Wednesday, August 21, 2024

A good run

So many things to say, so little time.

Just one political rant, if I may: I have not watched any of the DNC speeches (nor did I watch any from the RNC), but from what I have seen reported... While I'm glad there seems to be some traction taken away from the GOP candidate, and I will almost certainly vote for KH, I really wish they would stop trashing dt. It's not a good look. The only thing he needs to make himself look bad is a microphone - he doesn't need any help. Maybe that's the only way to beat him - I don't know - but I wish they would just let it go and tell us what they intend to do for the american people. There, that's all I'm going to say (at the moment).

As a way of sliding past all that... I simply want to tell you today about my run this morning. Maybe it's not as interesting, but it is an everyday type thing, and I prefer trying to live here rather than there.

I couldn't get to sleep last night for the second night in a row. I was resting, but just not able to go to sleep. So I resorted to the couch and, while I know you're not supposed to, I played games on my phone until I passed out. I was feeling sort of just "odd" and wouldn't have been surprised if I'd had an AFib episode (I'm kind of past due on my once-a-month schedule). At any rate, I eventually migrated back to bed and completely slept through Jane getting up and going for her run (and back) and even getting ready for work. I finally got up, but I was far from awake. Kind of one of those hazy mornings.

Today was a scheduled 7-mile day, so I ate breakfast first. I was still in somewhat of a stupor and it was after 9:30 before I ever made it out the door. I still felt a little "weird" and not all that awake yet.

I decided to take a route I hadn't done in awhile. I went to Lower Huntington Rd, over to Bluffton Rd down to Foster Park, the long way around and back on the greenway to the Lower Huntington bridge and over to Winchester. I had to finagle a few extra tenths of a mile to give me enough room for my mile cooldown afterward.

And... for whatever reason... it was a really good run! My first mile is almost always the slowest, and I did it in 9:22. Then I had a couple right around 9 minutes, and the rest were all under 9 for an average pace over 7 miles of 8:57. I think the total time was 1:02:37 (which included a stop for a drink from the water fountain). I know that still only qualifies me as a mediocre old man runner, but I did a personal best 5K and 10K on this Garmin watch of 27:15 and 55:08. Those are not my PRs of all time, but it's been awhile since I've done that - especially without really even trying.

I don't know what was up, because I kinda anticipated I would be slogging through today closer to a 10-minute pace based on how I felt. Though lately I've been doing my midweek runs somewhere around a 9:10-9:30ish pace. Anyway, I'll take it! As long as it doesn't mean I'm about to get sick or injured or something.

Also, for posterity, I am currently doing 4/7/4 midweek runs along with the long run on the weekend. This Saturday I'm scheduled for 15 miles. Starting last week I will be doing at least a half marathon (up to 20 miles) every weekend until the end of October (God willing). 

So, that's where I'm at today. :)

Carry on.

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