Monday, August 12, 2024

New air conditioner

Well, we have a new home air conditioner. We replaced the old jalopy (bottom photo) with this new Bryant 2023 Legacy Line model 114S (top photo). They also replaced the evaporator coils in the top part of the furnace to coincide with the new type refrigerant (freon). Hopefully we can stay cool for a good long while now (the installer said maybe 20 years).

I'm guessing it was about 5 years ago we had an issue with our AC unit. There happened to be a repairman next door and I just asked him if he would mind taking a look (I actually think it was some kind of holiday or something). He did, and he added some freon. He said there was obviously a leak somewhere and that we should start thinking about replacing that unit regardless because it likely wouldn't last the rest of the summer. So we feel pretty fortunate to have made it this long.

It may have been early June and we came home one day to find that, while the air was still 'on,' it was not cooling the house. Sure enough, the connector was iced over outside. I did a quick google search and they suggested leaving it off for the night and seeing if it would work the next day. That's what we did, and it did work just fine. Although... it happened again a couple weeks later. And again. And again. 

Finally, on a week where it was in the 90s every day and never cooled below the upper 70s, it just couldn't keep up anymore. I called Doc Dancer and they had someone here that same day on 7/31/24. 

As you can guess, they naturally recommended a new unit. I swallowed hard and signed on the dotted line. It's the same cooling capacity as the old one and was $5,500 installed. The unfortunate thing was, this was a Wednesday, and they couldn't install it until the following Monday (8/5)! Ugh.

It's funny, though, how quickly we adapted though. We used fans, kept the shades pulled during the day, opened the windows if it got cool enough... just like old times! We actually didn't get air at my parents house until I was in high school. We can survive. However, once they got it in Monday... it was darn nice!

So, there ya have it!

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