Wednesday, August 07, 2024


Brian McLaren opens chapter 6 of his book 'Finding Our Way Again' with these words:

The story of the Christian faith, like that of Judaism and Islam, can be seen as the story of a community given a way, then drifting off course, then finding its way again, then losing it again, recovering it, and so on. Two steps forward, one step back, a detour to the left, a lurch to the right, wandering, slipping, falling, rising again. The journey isn't easy, and we never arrive. But the way -- Jewish torah, Christian gospel, or Muslim deen -- leads us toward the peace, wisdom, and joy we seek. If we stop pursuing it, we will be stuck where we are.

I read that this morning while thinking about the need to get some traction on my writing. I feel like it's time I do more than this personal blog. Whether that means working on a book, articles, or simply (and finally) getting my substack up and going, I don't know. First I need a direction though. And this seemed a good place to start.


I've been thinking of calling my Substack 'Into the Mystic'... because that's what I feel like my life is: I am making an effort to move... somewhere. I don't necessarily know where, but it will require an openness to wherever the Spirit leads me. Two steps back, one forwards, so on and so forth.

And, of course, this came on the heals of being asked yesterday to consider serving as an elder at our church. This caught me totally by surprise and was not at all on my radar. Why would they ask me? I don't know, and I am not sure whether I will do it or not, but it's something I agreed to think and pray about. Seems an opportunity for ... openness. Not just wondering if I think I should do it, but placing it before God and being open to where I think He is leading me.

So, that's where I am today. It is a journey... we never really arrive... but it sure seems a better way than remaining stuck where I've been. We'll see.

How open are you? Are you willing to listen to what God may have in store for you? Where might you be unintentionally resisting the Spirit in your life? Just some things for us to think about...

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