Friday, October 18, 2024

Five things friday

I am no scientist but I would say Fall is upon us! How do I know? The leaves. Look out your window, go for a drive, or a run. It's breathtaking - maybe in more ways than one. For as much as my eyes like this time of year, my sinus and respiratory system do not. Such is life. Anyway...

  1. I believe October 15th may be the earlier I've ever turned the furnace on. And, yeah, yeah, I have no idea why I always try to see just how long we can go without turning on the heat... But it was 63 the other morning and I was like, "This is stupid, I'm firing up the furnace!" And we did.
  2. For those of you monitoring my health numbers, my BP the day after the doctor visit was 126/80. About what it was before the dreaded appointment. My doctor actually asked me why I thought my blood pressure went so high in his office. I didn't know how to tell him that I honestly think HE has a lot to do with it. He may be a great person, but we just don't have a good . . . connection . . . and I should probably try to find someone else. He makes me nervous and I simply don't have much confidence in him. I don't/haven't felt this way about all doctors.
  3. To be perfectly honest, though, I'm thinking my anxiety over doctor visits has more to do with me, and... control. For instance, even at home, the first time I take my BP it is almost always high, because I'm wondering "Where will it be this time?!?" If it's not too high (which is almost always the case), the next reading will be significantly lower. That's why an AFib episode is so unsettling. Because there is nothing I can do about it! I can't make it go away, or straighten it out, or lower it, or anything. I suppose many people are like this to varying degrees. Perhaps that's why aging usually fosters a more humble approach to life. Believe me, I'm trying. It just ain't easy.
  4. We are almost done with our class at church on How to Talk About Politics. I don't know that I've learned a lot, but I was somewhat taken aback by something shared in class last week. One participant had talked with her mother (whom she knew was voting for trump). She said her mother actually admitted, "I see one candidate as evil and the other as a Socialist." When asked why she was choosing to vote for the "evil" candidate, she responded: "I'm voting with my pocket book. Trump's policies were good for me financially."! You know, I think that may be a more popular opinion than many are willing to admit. I have two thoughts: 1) I don't know that it's true, but 2) I also don't know that there is any better way to say money (or Mammon) is clearly the god you worship. When your personal finances take precedence over morality, ethics, the way lives of other human beings may be impacted... I mean... I guess I can see this from a worldly perspective... but not from someone who says they are a follower of Jesus. At least that's how I see it.
  5. "Lord, remind us that we are resident aliens, called to be in the world but not of it. Show us today what it means to live as though your kingdom has come, while trusting that it is still coming. Amen." -Common Prayer: Liturgy for Ordinary Radicals, p. 509

Okey doke, it's Friday my dear reader folk! Do your thang!

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