Friday, November 15, 2024

Five things friday

And a dreary good Friday to you. Nothing says mid-November like gray skies, sprinkles, and naked trees. Yet, I still have (at least) five things to say...

  1. Yesterday I logged my first run since the marathon on 11/2. Five miles (+1 walking). Almost two weeks off is the longest I've gone since... I dunno... maybe this time last year, or even longer ago than that. It went okay. The stamina and muscle memory were still there, but I started lifting weights and using the Assault stationary bike this past Monday and may have overdone it a bit. I was a bit sore from that, but am not feeling any effects from the run. I will take today off, and tomorrow shoot for 7-8-ish miles.
  2. As long as all goes well I'm hoping to do this half marathon trail run December 14th. I probably shouldn't have taken this much time off, but it might be okay. The only real concern I have is my left achilles tendon and calf area. I've had trouble with that before, and it was a tad tender after the marathon, but so far it's holding up. I hope I can do it, because I've never done a trail run this long, nor have I ever been to this place. I've always wanted to. We'll see.
  3. So, have you been keeping up with the news lately? Djt is already hogging the headlines again. Ugh. Of course, we all knew that was coming. That's what he does. What I'm not sure of is: does he do it just because he's that much of a narcissist, or is he a patsy in someone else's game and they know this distracts us while they do God-knows-whatever-else to try to take over the world? I don't trust the lot of them, and elon is at the top of the list. Even those who aren't purposely out to ruin the world, giving the benefit of the doubt, their god is not the same as mine, and they may have no idea the damage or trouble they are causing to countless others. But I'm not giving in. It really is "it is what it is." I'm trying to keep Ephesians 6 in mind as much as I can.
  4. Speaking of which, I still contend it's not really "Christians" (meaning 'followers of Jesus') who are so on-board with djt and the Rs, but it's those who identify as christian because they are "American." It's not just me rolling my eyes every time a report comes out about "evangelical support for djt." I don't really believe they are evangelical Christians since most outright admit to little to no church attendance. They live under the delusion that being 'Merican makes them Christian, and I'm not sure they understand what that even means. But I'm only going to say that here - just between you and me - because I don't think Jesus would try to defend it either. In fact, maybe as a #4b, this morning I was lamenting how defensive and childish I got when I was dismissed from my role as pastor oh-so-many years ago. I wish now I'd just moved on and not said anymore about it. Yes, I/we needed to grieve, but that's as far as it needed to go. I reacted poorly and regret it. Live and learn, I guess.
  5. "Lord, keep us from following the gods of pride, stubbornness, vanity, sloth, greed, and comfort that beckon for our allegiance every day. You brought us through the night watches, you who neither slumber nor sleep. We pray to follow you along the path of generosity, humility, and love throughout this day. Amen." (Common Prayer: ALFOR)

The pic at the top is my grandson, modeling for me how to react to the daily news (not necessarily how to respond to it). This one at the bottom is simply a humorous aside as I attempt to keep myself sane (we all know I don't bake). :)

Have a great weekend, and don't lose sleep (as much as you are able)!

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