Friday, November 08, 2024

Five things friday

I'm just going to wing this, folks. It's Friday, and I feel like I need to write something - for myself more than anything - so we'll see what happens. Off the top o' my head...

  1. I gotta say, I'm a little hurt, or resentful, or something, by the social media posts I've seen blaming Christians for how the election turned out. I mean, I get it, because I think there are a lot of people who consider themselves Christians, or were/are "church"-type people, who voted for him. But it may be a misrepresentation, or at least not a full representation. I know plenty of pastors and Christians, and I can't think of too many at all that were/are trump supporters. Anyway, I know this is how it goes, but just between you and me, it kinda bothers me. I'm sure I'll survive. I'm also not a big fan of people who are saying, "Oh, get over it, it's not like YOUR life is going to change." That may or may not be true, but there are people I know whose lives WILL be changed! It seems a rather insensitive and unkind sentiment to me.
  2. While I'm on this transparency roll, I also have to say I'm a little nervous about getting out among the other humans. I'm still a bit unsettled, and not sure how I'll react in the presence of those who... are not. We went out to eat both Tuesday and Wednesday night - mostly because we wanted a drink, but also because it's just a bit of a challenge to hold things together right now - and I was a little surprised at how 'festive' the environment was. It's still pretty somber here at home with me and the cat.
  3. I read three books about how to deal with politics in a "Christian" way prior to the election: The Spirit of Our Politics, How To Have An Enemy, and The After Party. They were all very helpful, maybe even in different ways, and I'd hate to think what I would be like had I not read them! One of these days I will get around to writing about each book here.
  4. Currently I'm reading Winn Collier's biography of Eugene Peterson, A Burning in My Bones. I've had this for awhile on Kindle (it's the main reason I wanted to get a new Kindle when the old one broke). Just since Tuesday I'm already about halfway through it (which is fast reading for me). At first I thought maybe I'd already read it and forgotten, but I think it simply contains some things Eugene had shared in some of his books and other writings, so it seems very familiar. That's not a bad thing. The pic at the top is one of the endorsements, from John Mark Comer. It's been a nice way to keep my mind occupied elsewhere. Also, he's the kind of pastor/person I want to be!
  5. "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid." -Jesus (John 14:27)
Well, here we go, friends. That's about all I've got (other than I did finally mow the lawn/leaves yesterday). Peace.

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