Thursday, November 07, 2024

Here we go (not necessarily again)

You may be thinking, "It's not my fault; I didn't vote for him." Maybe so, but it's going to be everyone's problem!

Somehow I managed to avoid the news on election day and night, so when I got out of bed yesterday morning I had no idea who the next President of the United States was going to be. Except I did. 

I could feel it. I swear. I didn't look at email, social media, or news of any kind. It was in the air. Black as coal. It was in my bones.

I guess I wasn't so surprised that he won... But I am still in a bit of shock that it wasn't really even close. Wow. How???

What it does is make you wonder if you know anything at all anymore. Like, how do you explain that the most unfit candidate for ANY office in my lifetime - with his reputation, convictions, felonies, swindling, cheating, lying, bankruptcies, infidelity, and simply no character or moral fiber whatsoever - could not only get elected, but so overwhelmingly elected as PRESIDENT? He isn't fit to be dog catcher!

I think it boils down to these three things...

  1. THE STATED REASON - Mammon (money) "I want cheaper eggs."
  2. THE UNSTATED REASON - Race/power (Still not over a black President) "And there is no fucking way we're letting a woman do it!"
  3. MAYBE THE REAL REASON(?) - Demonic ("For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms." -Ephesians 6:12)

More and more I feel like this is a spiritual issue. The stronghold that MAGA-mania has on the American people defies logic, reason, and sense. I believe it's why it is so rampant in the "church." No, I don't believe trump is THE anti-Christ - I don't think there is just one - but I believe he IS anti-Christ. Everything he is about goes against the things of Christ. Just as Jesus said to Peter in Matthew 16:23, "Jesus turned and said to Peter, “Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me; you do not have in mind the concerns of God, but merely human concerns.” 

Mark my words: This is going to cost innocent people their lives. Look at how many millions needlessly lost their lives from his refusal to address the Covid-19 pandemic! The rich will get richer - exploiting and capitalizing on the poorest among us; along with a reduction in corporate regulations which will take even more lives; not to mention the almost constant threat of war - both at home and abroad...

All that being said though... My hope is that this will create a clearer, more focused church of actual Jesus-followers. We are who the Bible was written for. The struggle will be real; the lines have been drawn. 

"Fear not" is a frequent phrase in Scripture. "Greater is he that is in me, than he that is in the world." "For such a time as this..." Need I go on?

Yes, I do feel the need to go on. And so should you. It's time to read our Bibles, keep the faith, spur one another on toward love and good works! The Sunday School lessons are over. Now is the time to live it.

Make no mistake, though, things are going to get worse; it will be difficult; you and I will be tempted to bend the knee and kiss the ring; we will see ugly likely we've never seen before...

But it will be worth it.

Maybe I am overreacting and completely wrong, and that's fine if I am. This is just my gut feel.

Father, forgive them, for they know not what they've done.

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