Tuesday, January 13, 2015

CFB championship, greeters, retrorganizer, car wash

A smorgasbord of snippets covering several subjects for today.

First, I watched the first college football playoff championship game between Ohio State and Oregon last night at the Wings, Etc. by my house. The place was packed, and I was in the company of Kenny and son-in-law Drew. It was a good game, and I was glad Ohio State won - since they're a Big Ten team - but I can't bring myself to support Urban Meyer's style of 'run-up-the-score, tear-out-your-heart, totally-humiliate-teenage-young-men' football. I was good with the game up until the unnecessary touchdown with seconds left. Taking a knee and running out the clock would have been much classier in my book. Of course, I realize I'm the only one that reads my book, so...

Also last night, we were asked if we could once again help out as greeters at church. Apparently they have a hard time finding people to do it, so we said we would. It's not really my favorite thing to do - kind of like working at a job you're way over-qualified for - but I feel bad not contributing in any other way. Meh.

I had someone vacate a storage unit at work yesterday. When I went to check it, they had left a couple boxes inside. Not only does that mean they lose their deposit ($10), but inside one of the boxes was this sweet retro wooden letter/bill organizer! What is totally crazy is that it was exactly 2 years ago to the day that I wrote this blog post about trying to find one!!  We ended up buying a new-ish one, but this one is better than any I was looking at previously. It has the little tin chicken at the top and everything.

We got about 4 more inches of snow yesterday, and it was around 30F so it was a slushy mess, so today I decided to take my car through the carwash. There is a BP station that has an automatic wash right by my office. When I came back from the bank I drove through and got the "Best" wash for $9. I'm hoping my doors don't freeze because it's only 10F today. Hopefully the giant blow dryer at the end of the wash was enough to keep that from happening.

So... that's about it for now. I'm a bit sleepy from staying up too late to see the end of the game. I should also probably eat some lunch. It's just about 1 pm. It's Tuesday. I'm not wearing sun glasses.

1 comment:

MR said...

tin chicken. TIN chicken. tin CHICKEN. rin-tin chicken. TIN CHICKEN! ...it's just fun to say.