Monday, April 27, 2015

Babysitting and being invited

We kept the 3 grandkids overnight again this past Saturday into Sunday. Poor Anna didn't feel very good Saturday night. She had a cough and was running a fever. She mostly laid on the couch and slept off and on. The boys were good and played quite well.

Jane ended up sleeping with Anna because she didn't feel good, and her fever finally broke during the night. She felt much better Sunday morning, but I think may have overdone it a bit and soon wore herself down again. She slept on her mother's lap through church.

Bennett fell asleep on the floor Saturday night, and he sleeps good through the night. He is also the late sleeper - though I think he likes to just lay in bed for awhile after he wakes up too.

I slept in our room and had Caleb in the portable crib. He slept alright - only woke up a few times. He either lost his pacifier, or he just wanted to check to see if I was still there.

Anna and Caleb were up around 6 am and ready to go! Bennett finally woke up a little after 8. Caleb took a morning nap, and the older 2 wanted to go OUTSIDE to play. Of course we let them. They like playing on the swing set and also riding their bikes on the patio. Drew Carrie came over and we all left for church around 10:30.


After church we went over to Larry and Dona's for lunch. Larry is in my "old man's" bible study, and he called last week and wondered if we would want to do lunch after church some Sunday. They live in a nice condo over by the Stellhorn facility, and we had a great time. She made baked spaghetti and salad. They are a very nice older couple who have been in the church for around 40 years. They found out about our exit from pastoring and immediately invited us over to see if there was anything they could do to help. I thought that was a nice gesture, and it was nice just being invited over. They are the first people to do that other than the pastor and his wife. We only stayed a couple hours, but had an enjoyable visit.


Speaking of which... that's one thing that is rather odd about this church. They are an 'elder-led' church - so it's kind of a big deal to be an elder - and I think 3 different elders have introduced themselves to one or the both of us ON MULTIPLE OCCASIONS! Meaning they had no clue who we were even after meeting us previously. One in particular has talked to us several times, still re-introduced himself to us last Sunday, and this Sunday he walked past us like we weren't even there. To top it off, a guy I work with and his wife sat right in front of us Sunday and neither of them said a word to us - which is nothing unusual, they never speak to us or even look at us. That's the sort of thing that makes a person feel rather unwanted. So... it was nice to be invited to someone's house. I just didn't think that after 2 years we would still be trying to find a church to fit into. Maybe there isn't one...