Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Signs of hope in the church

I happened across this Facebook group yesterday called Nomad Podcast. You can find their website HERE. What caught my eye was the Greg Boyd video, and this little blurb:
Every few weeks we’ll bring you Signs of Hope, a 5-minute (ish) video from a leading thinker or practitioner, reflecting on what they see as signs of hope in the Church.

First up, Greg Boyd. Greg sees hope in the death of Christendom and the rise of a beautiful new peace-loving, non-violent, Jesus-centred, global movement.

The video itself is actually less than 4 minutes long, and Greg manages to word it in a way I have tried to say for years now. I can remember when Reggie McNeal's book Missional Renaissance came out. I was involved in a discussion group about it and I was surprised at the tone of negativity and fear surrounding the demise of christendom. I was like, "Why? Isn't that a good thing?!"

So, regardless of what I say or think... I recommend this brief video from Greg...