Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Team member

Thinking about church membership, and have been invovled in some discussions about it, and someone brought up calling people part of "the team." Actually, I even use that term at our church. Instead of committee's we have "teams"; instead of joining the church, you're joining the "team."

I am actually starting to not like the word though. What do you think of when you think of teams? Don't you think of competition; one team AGAINST another; somebody has to win, somebody has to lose; fighting; yours and mine... that sort of thing. And I know followers of Christ are in a battle with satan and his evil forces, we even battle our own sinful nature. But don't you think most people - when they think of "teams" think there is mine and there is yours. And so the "teams" become either... churches - my church against your church... whose is better. Or we think the battle is those within the church and those outside the church - with one being superior to the other.

Yeah... I don't like the idea of using "team" in the church. But I don't know what works better. Do you suppose we could just do without any of it... no teams, no committees, no members, no "us" and "them"??? I think it could be possible... in somebody's dream.

I have a dream...

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