Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Going Home

"I was born very far from where I am supposed to be, so, I'm on my way home." I think that's one of my favorite lines of all time. Bob Dylan said it. I'm not sure when or where. It is so true though. But it makes me think... where is home?

I've been watching the new Neil Young DVD "Heart of Gold". It was shot in Nashville, TN. You know, something about that place has always seemed like home to me. I've been there a few times, and even though it's not the cleanest city, or biggest, or nicest... there's just something about it. And I've never been a real country music lover either. It's neat watching "Heart of Gold" and recognizing the places they drive by.

When I thought I was going to plant a church, Nashville always kept coming to mind. I think it's a city with a lot of church folk; but also a city with a lot of people who were completely turned off by the church. The rebels and riff-raff. And, you know, I had also always thought maybe God was leading me to pastor a church in a couple places in California - like, to some old, burned-out hippies. But now I'm wonderin if he hasn't been preparing me for some old, burned out rebels. That's kind of how I feel most of the time - even though I'm not all that old. I think I am beginning to think older though. And I've always thought I was a hippie/rebel inside.

But, you know, I remember when I said I would NEVER move away from Buda, Illinois. That was home for 30-some years. I lived on "A" Street for about 20 years. Then "High" street. Some outlandish street names in that town.

Have you ever watched "King of the Hill"? I think what Bob Dylan was talking about is similar to the difference between Hank and Bobby Hill. I mean, they are about as different as you can get. And maybe it's like - Bobby was born very far from how Hank is, and his life will be about becoming like him. Maybe.

As a Christian I am supposed to be like Jesus. I was born very far from where I am supposed to be. I want to go home now.

Many believe the Christian's home is in heaven. Well, tell me, where is that? Is it "one" place? Or is it perhaps that place where we are most like Jesus?

Hmm. Watching "Heart of Gold" has been good (It's interesting to note that every time I type 'heart of Gold', I accidentally type 'Heart of GOD' first. Every time). I want to go home. But maybe going home isn't about being there... Maybe it's more about "going" there. Getting there. Maybe heaven is found in the journey, not the destination. I dunno.

Travel well.

Added later (in case you were wonderin'):
1. I know this is not theologically sound. But "what if"?
2. I don't have any plans to move to Nashville. Just thinkin' out loud.


Anonymous said...

Maybe some info you can use....the local PBS station is having a special on Bob Dylan next week one day. I think it's the 26th at 8 or 9 pm.

PBS is Public Broadcasting Station.

In Pittsburgh it's channel 13...same channel Sesame Street is on!

dan said...

Thanks Frank. I'll have to check it out. Haven't seen Sesame Street in a long time. :)

Lily said...

Great thoughts about home, Dan. I think the point you made is what it's all about. The journey, the getting there.

"As a Christian I am supposed to be like Jesus. I was born very far from where I am supposed to be. I want to go home now.

What's not theologically sound about that?

dan said...

Thanks, Lily. Geez, I forgot about this post. One of my favorites. I don't know what I was thinking about at the time though.

Lily said...

Are you playing with your tags? Because this post showed up in my feedreader yesterday. I didn't even look at the date.

dan said...

Oh, um, yeah... I was assigning tags to some old posts (I've never used them before). I didn't realize it would "re-release" them - or whatever it did. I don't understand the whole "feedreader" and "bloglines" and that stuff too well. Just a simple man... I know enough to be dangerous.

Lily said...

Yeah, adding labels to old posts will *usually* cause them to reappear in feedreaders as new posts. I'm usually aware of this - but sometimes I forget to check the date.

If it bugs you, you can do this instead, but otherwise, just FYI.

Lily said...

Anyhow, I got to read a post of yours that I probably never would have seen otherwise. So maybe I was supposed to read this post and it was divine intervention.