Thursday, June 15, 2006

Something is better than nothing

You can’t always get what you want. Not only is that a great line in a Rolling Stones song, it’s also pretty true.

I’ve tried running (jogging) again. I want to run. I need to run… for my health, my weight, my blood pressure, cholesterol, depression, etc. But it just isn’t working right now.

So, last night I dug out the old exercise bike. It’s like admitting defeat; taking a step backward. But it’s better than nothing. It’s better than feeling like a failure so I just sit and sulk. It’s better than being mad so I throw a tantrum and take it out on someone else. It’s better than forcing the issue and doing more harm than good.

I don’t know about you, but it’s often a struggle for me to do something, rather than nothing. Because I think what many of us want is to be GREAT; we want to do wonderful things; to be rich, famous, and all that. And when we’re not… what happens to us? Some of us sulk, some of us rebel, some of us become cynical ingrates. And why is it so hard to just do SOMETHING, rather than all those nothings.

I think life is made up of the “something’s.” And when we come to accept that something is better than nothing, we learn to enjoy life. Perhaps that is the “full life” that Jesus came to offer us – a life where we can enjoy “something”, rather than being disappointed, distraught, and discontented.

Something to think about.


Whisky Prajer said...

Walking is the same sort of therapy for me, and when my ankle arsed out on me I wondered what God was thinking since walking was probably the only sacramental act I bothered with. But "stationary biking"? You mightn't have the two-wheeled variety lying about, might you? A little motion goes a long way for me, as does the fresh air. (hmm - verification is "gexuz". Maybe it's a sign we should start a new religion?)

dan said...

Yeah, the 2-wheeled variety might be in order. I will need to check for dogs though (that's the drag about living in the country). And with the 90-degree heat we're expecting... maybe indoor riding isn't so bad!
(nah, my verification "zgeqp" - no new religion there) :)