Monday, August 28, 2006

Emerging from the safe place

This isn't a developed thought at all, but yesterday morning I was thinking about the purpose of the church. I used to attend a church whose little statement was "a safe place to try God." I always struggled with that - though I was never really sure why. Even in the church I currently pastor, I've always stressed that we want to try to be as inoffensive to people as possible. We want people to be able to approach God with as few obstacles as we can humanly do something about. We want it to be a 'safe place.'

But... now I'm wondering about that wordage. Should our journey be "safe"? Should we be telling people that Christianity itself is "safe"? I think, what most of us need isn't something "safe", but rather, we need a RADICAL CHANGE. Even the best of us have thoughts, and habits, and prejudices that we may or may not be aware of. Finding a "safe place" to bring them often only results in us feeling all the more like holding onto them. And that's scary; and that's dangerous; but what we need is to LET GO of these things, and be TRANSFORMED into the image of Jesus. There's nothing safe about that, is there?

I dunno. I realize maybe I'm chasing shadows. In my reading this morning, I came across this quote from N.T. Wright (p.184, Simply Christian):

"The Bible is there to enable God's people to be equipped to do God's work in God's world, not to give them an excuse to sit back smugly, knowing they possess all God's truth."


Peace, folks. There's a revolution. Emerge.


Robin said...

Ah...Danno...I'm a recovering member of the "safety police", so this strikes a chord, "developed thought" or not.

Wait, I just realized you changed the name of your blog, and lol, NOT FOR THE BETTER! Good lord, man, it might be a more accurate title, but IMHO "Danno's Dangerous Mind" was much better (as if you asked).

The ironies never cease: as I'm writing this comment, an email came in titled "How to stay safe". I'm not kidding. "Safe" is exactly what I'm trying to avoid.

Have you read Erwin McManus' The Barbarian Way? You must (it's a short, easy read). Although I think McManus is INSANE (and trust me, he would consider that a high compliment), he made me wanna leap off tall buildings....

I don't think there was anything "safe" about Jesus, not from a temporal perspective, anyway. Look at the lives of those who followed Him. Radical... controversial... dangerous... but never safe.

I think "Christians" are satisfied with safe, it's palatable, vanilla, comfortable. I think you were dead on when you said that was "dangerous".

To be "transformed" requires blood and guts....nothing safe about that!

dan said...

Once again, thanks for your thoughts (on a variety of subjects all at the same time). :) I have often been tempted to pick up "The Barbarian Way", because it has an intriquing title, and I used to like McManus's writing, but I never have. Thanks for the recommendation. Oh... and for the title change op too. Maybe I'll take a poll.