Monday, August 07, 2006

Vacation is over

Man, I need a vacation. One week was not enough, so if you're looking for some cheery news... you would do well to look away.

Indiana Beach isn't a place I would recommend. There might be more than corn in Indiana, but you don't really want to see it. It was nice to get away for a few days though. And I suppose if you had younger kids it might be okay. I did enjoy riding the log flume, and the pool. Other than that, McDonald's breakfast was the highlight.

The trip back home was okay, but I didn't feel good at all. I don't know if it was the heat, allergies, stress, or what. I was too grumpy, too stressed, and not too much fun to be around. I had nightmares the first night, and the second night my dreams took off from where they left off the night before. I don't remember that ever happening before. It was nice to visit with Jane's brother and his son from Colorado though.

My 25-year class reunion actually went better than expected. But we only had 12 from my class show up. I started singing our class song ('Comes A Time' by Neil Young), but no one else seemed to know it, let alone know it was our class song, so I stopped. My good friend Joe Buckman had to bury his younger sister last week due to an overdose. That was a bummer. Joe is a top notch person.

I had 100+ emails which I've mostly sifted through. Still haven't picked up my mail - not looking forward to that AT ALL. I had three messages from the hospital on the phone. No news about how yesterday's service went. I ran out of blood pressure pills yesterday. I have a headache, stomach ache, and a wedding to prepare for this Saturday. To be perfectly honest... I'm just not sure if I can do this anymore. Other than that things are pretty much back to normal.

Lord, help me.


Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear. I'll pray for a rest for you- a peace that defies understanding.


dan said...

Thanks, Jamie. I appreciate it.

Anonymous said...

Hey Pal,

Keep your head up, try and smile. If it helps any, remember that God loves us on the good days and the bad days...sometimes more on the bad days. Take care my friend...

Anonymous said...

One more thing....I am just loving the little pictures on your blog. They make me smile more times than not.

dan said...

Thanks Frank. How's the blog coming? Are you up and running yet?