We went to the movies yesterday and saw
The Nativity Story. Let me just say this... I liked
The Passion of the Christ, but for as gruesome as it was, The Nativity was b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l. I was pleasantly surprised. It's not completely accurate, but very nicely done. The high point for me was when Mary tells the old Shepherd man, "He is for everyone." Teary moment.
Highly recommended. Especially now - before Christmas.
Peace, friends. Revolution(ate).
That's good to hear, I may have to check it out. I already like the modesty of this movie. It seems to me that if the Almighty wanted us to KNOW something, he's do some unquestionable miracles--move some mountains before our eyes or something, tell us what he wanted us to know, then that would be it, seminar over. No faith involved, he'd literally put the FEAR of God into us. But, rather He seems to want to reach us all quietly, more subtly and on a personal, individual basis. What I'm saying is, if God released a movie, it would probably be a "sleeper" and not a Blockbuster, and Mel Gibson wouldn't have anything to do with it. It would be more like one of those films at the Cinema Center... only it would be good.
Well put, Mike. Other than the Cinema Center comment - they have good movies (sometimes). Although, and don't quote me on this, but I heard Mel's neighbors aunts cousins sisters siblings stepmoms neice owned the sheep that were used in the movie. So... I dunno. :)
(oh, and they're related to Kevin Bacon too)
Kevin 'Bacon' was the name of a pig who grew up on the same farm as the sheep. Those who knew him say he was delicious!
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