Wednesday, December 06, 2006

The shape of things to come (?)

Here's the link to my TEST BLOG, which is quite possibly the template I will use for this one (if and when I ever get around to changing). And..... actually, I'm even thinking about retiring this one, and just switching over and using that blog because of the address (, but I don't know if that would be any easier for people to remember who aren't named horwedel. What do you think?

At any rate, please be sure to check out the great post from a friend of mine that I titled "How Not To Leave A Church". He called it "Integrity."

Peace. Revolution(ate).


MR said...

I think it's a GREAT idea!

Mike Horwedel

dan said...

Okay, so let's hear you pronounce it.

Tom said...

Dan, Can't you change the name of your blog by using Publish > Settings? Of course you would have to delete the horwedel one so it would be available again and who knows how blogger will handle that. It might make it disappear forever. At least it might be easier.


dan said...

Yeah, I think you're right. But I also think you're right about the availability problem once it's deleted. So... I dunno.

MR said...


Great, NOW I'm hooked on Phonics.

I'll be cutting up phonics on a mirror with a razor blade and sniffing it through a hundred dollar bill next. Once you go down that road, it just consumes you. I'll be hallucinating about meeting "The PHONZ" who can start a jukebox by just rapping on it. He'll be like "AAAAAaaaaa..."

dan said...

Sorry, Mike. You cannot be a Horwedel, because we are "WHORES". "H"-o-r-w-e-d-e-l. So 'sit on it.' :)

Hooked on fonnicks.

MR said...

Okay, but let's say you throw a party. And for your party you have these little crackers with some kind of meat on them and some garnish and you put them on a tray and people munch on them during the meet-and-greet. What do you call those?

Dan: "snacks."

Robin said...

Holy moly! Geezaree!! What's in a name....?

Anyways, I've heard NOT to delete your blog; just provide a link to your new one as your last post...if not, you might be sorry (something about spammers....but me, being techie inept that I am, would not even attempt to 'splain further).

dan said...

Hey, are you callin' me a little cracker!? Don't go confusin' us Horwedel's with party favors. We're peeps, you know. Not AT ALL the same thing as horse doves.

dan said...

Hey..... watch that language! :)

Yes, I agree about deleting the blog. Switching to beta was close enough.

MR said...

People make fun of my peeps because they're made of marshmallow. And they're like "whatchoo doin' hangin' around that DUCK! and that BUNNY!"

...i'm like, "back off man, dey got muh back."

Keith Schooley said...

Love the look of the new blog, Dan. Skinny columns of tiny type drive me crazy. Wider columns are so much easier to read, especially if you have more than a few words to say.

I haven't noticed the problem you're having with posting; maybe I haven't tried to post onto old Blogger blogs since I switched over.

It won't be long before it's all Blogger Beta, anyway. It's a lot better system under the hood.

dan said...

Thanks for the input on the new blog look. I tend to agree with you. And I hope you're right about Beta being better. :)