Thursday, December 07, 2006

Trouble in the bedroom

Yep, I have to admit it.... we're having problems. We got the new bed yesterday, and IT IS HUGE! I knew a queen would be wider and longer, but I never thought about it being so much TALLER! Which isn't so bad for Jane and I - we can jump - but poor little Bogie... his teeny tiny legs just can't get him up there. So we had to put a footstool at the end of the bed so he can climb in increments (reminds me of the levels Kramer talked about). His only problem now is to remember to use the footstool to get down. He jumped off once and landed (splat) on his head.


MR said...

This week only at Denver Mattress, buy a queen size mattress and get Queen's Greatest Hits!

Yeah, I have an old ottoman (from the Ottoman Empire) at the end of my bed for my dog to jump up. Lately she's been using her eyes, though. She'll walk over and look at me and toggle her tail a little and like a complete sucker I'll pick her up. I always think maybe she's getting older and it hurts her legs to get up there, but if she's in a hurry, she flies right over that ottoman.

dan said...

Oh, man... I would have liked Queens greatest hits. Geez, I always miss the good deals.

But, hey, thanks for making me feel better knowing I'm not the only sucker in town.

Thanks, Mike.