Here's the lowdown:
Walter the Farting Dog is based on a true story. The book tells of Walter, a dog adopted from the pound who has a problem with flatulence.There are at least three other books in the series: Walter the Farting Dog Goes on a Cruise, Trouble at the Yard Sale, and Rough Weather Ahead.
After various cures are tried, including low-gas doggie biscuits, the family's father declares that Walter has to go back to the pound the next morning. How does Walter escape his fate? Read the book to see, 40 pages, Hardcover. By Kotzwinkle, William; Murray, Glenn
I don't know much about what kids like anymore, but if you need a good laugh, I recommend reading up on Walter.
Hey Dan,
Thought I'd try to see if my commenting ability is back...it's been a long...dry...spell for me. Yeah.....Walter is giving me reason to try again, ha!
Saw this book a while back, and I quickly turned my boys heads in another direction, lol. Like they need any encouragement where this kind of thing's concerned!
Boys will be boys will be boys......!;)
Great...all that was needed for me to be able to comment was a book about a gas-passin' dog.......SHEESH!
So much for heady and ethereal...:/.
I was going to 'pass' on responding to your comments... but the dog's not here to blame it on. (hahahahaha, aren't I funny?!)
Glad you can comment again (I think).
Take care,
My boys have had this book for a couple years. I guess I'm a pretty cool mom, because I know there is almost nothing funnier to boys than bodily functions. Who am I to be a party-pooper? So I let them buy it. It really is a hilarious idea, almost as much as "Everyone Poops" (yes that's a real book.)
Yes, I think every boy should have a book about Walter. In fact, I may just have to get one for my 18 year-old. Never too young, you know. :)
I saw "Everyone Poops" too, but didn't open it up. My side was hurting pretty bad already (from laughing).
Wow... what I almost posted. I'm giving myself a time-out. I'm just going to set down the keyboard and step back.
Yep. Sometimes words just cannot express how one feels. (and that's a GOOD thing). :)
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