I'm sure said questioner has already googled miss Dolly and found the same info as me. For those of you who have not, here are the best two reasons I found:
1. From this site -
Dolly is perhaps there because she feels she is unloved (as King Moonracer explains about misfits) and perhaps the little girl who onced played with her is now grown up and Dolly now sits in a box, unwanted, waiting to be loved by another little girl again. "In certain circles," this explanation is offered and widely accepted by Misfit Philosophers.
2. From this site -
As far as the Misfit Girl doll goes, in my book Arthur Rankin jokes about her problem being...................... psychological! The fact of the matter is, she is barely mentioned in Romeo's scripts. He describes the important charcters in GREAT detail and the Misfit Girl doll wasn't even in the original 10-63 draft at all! Charlie is the only Misfit with lines, even in the revised script. The spotted Elephant and The Misfit Girl doll got a few extra lines in 1965 at the end when the return to the Island Of Misfit Toys was added in due to public response. She became a more important character in the second broadcast, but was not fully developed in the script....hence the mystery! I accept Arthur's explanation since he is the RANKIN in RANKIN/BASS and Produced the entire production.
So, there ya go. That's as much as I know about it. Unless, of course.... it was because she had RED HAIR!? Nah...
Peace, misfits. Yep, it's all a part of the revolution!
Hmm.. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome? Does this Dolly come with a couch?
The viewer also has to overlook the other quick-fixes, such as Charlie simply... oh, I dunno... changing his name! The name Charlie does not appear anywhere on his original packaging, he could just change his name to Jack and that's that.
The cowboy would still be a good stand-alone toy, even if he didn't re-tool and learn to ride a horse, he could at least ditch the ostrich (maybe another good stand-alone toy).
I'm thinking the water pistol that squirts jelly could have just spent it clip and reloaded with, oh, I dunno... WATER! I can't see a pistol that can shoot something with the consistency and viscosity of jelly not shooting water as well.
The train could be fixed with a disk sander to make the square wheels round.
...and that's about all I remember. The Elephant, now he had a problem. Skin condition or something.
Follow up: I came home for lunch today and noticed that the train with square wheels has no problem if it cuts loose the car its towing. I think, Dan, if you mention this at church, you should warn people about adopting other people's problems. Although that train felt that HE had a problem it was really the car, riding his coat-tails that was dragging him down and making him a misfit.
Maybe someone doesn't have to have a specific "problem" or something not quite right about them to feel like a misfit. Maybe that's just the way she felt...maybe it's simple an insecurity of sorts. Haven't we all been some place that we don't neccesarily feel like we 'belong' or 'fit in'? Whether it's a group at a lunch table or an organized meeting or a community or even a particular store. Not because there's something wrong with us but everyone doesn't "fit in" every place all the time...or at least that is our perception.
Dolly has been scorned and alienated by The Bratz, and now she just wants to die.
Great point about the train. I agree and will likely bring that point out. Although, I think it sounds like you would be much more of an expert on this subject than me, and perhaps you should come and preach this sermon (?).
Good point too. And that's probably the real reason behind a lot of "psychological" problems people suffer from (nothing against the people who really do suffer though - whether for real or imagined). I'm surprised we haven't labeled insecurity a disease yet.
Thanks for sharing.
Whisky (Darrell),
Yes, this could be the real reason - Dolly is not as good as the other/new dolls. And, nice post about the Bratz - I wasn't familiar with them.
Also - I received Youthful Desires (the book) yesterday!!! I moved it to the 'on deck' position. Is that a pic of you on the back?
Yep - that's me on the back, blurry like usual.
Red hair! I resemble that remark!
She has no vagine
A vagine?? What the heck is a vagine?
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