Monday, January 01, 2007

I am back

... though I'm much more than just the back. I am man; I am married; I am all sorts of things. But, I AM back from vacation.

I'm also in that weird state of mind between being on vacation and the reality that work looms in the not-so-distant tomorrow.

It was an "okay" vacation. Had a nice time with my sister's family; no major fights; nice visits with Jane's brothers and some of her family. We didn't do anything major. I got plenty of sleep (meaning almost 8 hours almost every night). The travelling was good; the weather was GREAT. Nothing dramatic happened. And... I think I still have a job to go back to.

The highlight of the week away was probably the Bradley University basketball game in Peoria. That was Jane's gift to me this year, and I ENJOYED it. It has been a long time since we've went to the Civic Center and watched Bradley play. I always followed them growing up, because they were the closest major/mid-major college team to us, and I grew up reading the Peoria Journal Star (and still do most days - online). We always went to 1 or 2 games a year, and it was nice going back. The Civic Center used to seem so much bigger. It's about like the Coliseum in Fort Wayne.

New Year's Eve was a drag. We were both tired after driving the 5 1/2 hours back to FW; unpacked; and decided to go to our favorite neighborhood grill and bar for supper. It was a nice supper, but I ended up getting ticked at some of the help. They have a bad habit at this place of sometimes making customers feel like they're not wanted there. Like we're a problem for them, rather than being the reason they have a stinkin' job in the first place. But... I'm over it. Whatever. It seems to be like that everywhere. Customer service sucks in our society.

Now I'm trying to put on my game face for work. Argh. And... hey... we have a car for sale if you're interested! 2001 Ford Taurus with 122,000 miles. I'm a thinkin' $4,000 is about fair.

Peace out (and in).


MR said...

Hmm... can you unlock that Taurus remotely? Because THAT would be cool.

If it's the place I think you're talking about, yeah, I know... you pretty much have to show up on the days when you KNOW "your" people are going to be there, otherwise it's a completely different experience. I was there tonight, with Kim, and all was well.

dan said...

Yes, it does have that cool remote unlocking device (not to be confused with the even cooler REMOTE STARTING DEVICE). And... you are thinking what I was talking about. Glad the universe is back in place. :)