Tuesday, January 16, 2007

The Bad Report of an Okay Church

So I just finished my annual church report for my denomination. Hmm… there’s a lot of zero’s. No confessions of faith this year, no baptisms, no new members, no new small groups, no new church plants, no AIM class participants, no discipleship training programs, no teacher training, no missions committee, no new worship services… (yada yada yada). We had three people REMOVED from membership. Our Sunday attendance went down (again). And income was $114,000.00 while expenses were $126,000.00.

However, odd as it may seem, it was really a pretty good year. I just can’t find a place to record the good things on my report. There were lives changed, friends made, people who came out of their shells, who conquered bad habits and overcame fears, and made life-altering decisions; there were marriages saved, good intentions followed through on, dreams realized, and wings stretched. A LOT of good happened in our little corner of the world, and ‘because of’ our little corner of the world. It just doesn’t show up on paper.

I’m not criticizing the report though. I wish we did have more positive numbers, and I totally understand the need and the reasoning for the paperwork. We are also fortunate to have an incredible bunch of people who work at our national headquarters who realize these reports don’t measure the actual ministry taking place. So… I’m not complaining. But if you wanna feel sorry for me and do something about bringing some good numbers to my church report – I’d be all for that too. :) In the meantime, I will think of the people who make up our church. I try to pray for them most days, and picture their faces – what they’re thinking about and going through at the time – and there’s no way to report on that, there’s no way to measure that, but… that’s really what makes my particular job worthwhile.

So… now I gotta lick the envelope. Yuck!


Andrew said...

Some things just don't come across on the bottom line. And some things can't -- and shouldn't -- be measured.

Here's to a great 2007.


MR said...

Next year they will be using the 0-BC-EZ short form. You just fill out Box 1a, "Souls Saved"

JAH said...

As you know, I also think our church has had some really great happenings this year - and I can see more people being ready to step out this year as well. I still believe that if the truth is spoken in love, people will keep growing and learning and great Kingdom things are on the horizon.

dan said...

Thanks and agreed. Cheers to you in the new year.

I like the 'short form' idea. That way I wouldn't have to put so many zero's.

Of course I believe you are absolutely correct. And our church does have the hottest keyboardest there could be!

Robin said...

When I was on staff at our old church, I always LOATHED the "business" of church...it jaded me for years and its affect still lingers...

I always thought the stuff "BETWEEN the lines"--outside of any "report"--was the stuff that really mattered, anyway. Glad you're able to read between your own lines :).

Just thinking about Jesus filling out some report makes me grin. Just the thought of it...ha!

I'd send that hot keyboardest some flowers or chocolate or...? ;).

dan said...

Yeah, I often wonder how many powerpoint slides Jesus used when he preached. Must have been a pain finding graphics.