Thursday, January 18, 2007

Random thoughts...

It seems I haven't had a decent thought in a long time. Not that my thoughts have been indecent. They just seem to be so scattered and random and it's hard enough to pull something together for a sermon once a week, let alone try to do anything more.

Backyard Missionary Backing Out / Am I Traditional?
I haven't read Andrew Hamilton's blog a lot, but off and on I have. I believe he's in Australia maybe (maybe not)... but, at any rate, he has decided to stop blogging after doing it for four years. No explanation, really. And it's no one's business I guess. Andrew Jones also mentioned the idea of stopping. I wonder... there must be a lot of pressure when you have a widely read blog. How do you keep the 'good stuff' coming, you know.

Anyway, I was looking through AH's blog and found that he had begun attending a traditional Baptist Church again - Just to confuse us. I certainly understood what he was saying. And I have to admit, if I had to find a church to go to, I would probably seek out a smallish-type somewhat traditional church. And, I know I'm not of the emerging ilk that AH is (I'm more of an emerging wannabe maybe, or a mini-emergent, or something like that), but style has seemed to have lost its luster for me. The truth is... and I say this more as a pastor/worship leader maybe, I really LIKE singing old hymns out of the hymnal. I like newer stuff too, but the days of being wowed by drums and screens and movie clips are over for me, I'm afraid. Again, not that I think it's lame, but... I dunno... I think church is so much more about community than glitz. Just thinking out loud.

Mike Clawson has another good post (as usual) about HELL. I'm hoping he will be at the Healthy Reproducing Church Conference next weekend(?).

Unmarried Women
Smartchristian linked to an article stating that Most American Women Are Now Unmarried. Not sure what to make of it, but it's an interesting thought for sure.

Prayer Request
I don't know if she wants it made known but Jane is fasting today. Not for any spiritual reason, but tomorrow she has to have a colonoscopy. She's not having any problems, but it's a routine measure she takes every few years - because her dad died of colon cancer when he was rather young. I've never had one, but it sounds like the worst part of it is not being able to eat the day before, and having to drink the horrid "cleansing fluid" the night before. At any rate, I would appreciate your prayers that it will go well for Jane and that everything checks out okay.

I'm With Mitch
I wish it got light out earlier. I really wish Indiana would have went to Central Time when we had the chance. The day starts out so depressing when it doesn't get light out until like 8 oclock.

Peace, friends. Rock on.


Joan Baumgartner Brown said...
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Joan Baumgartner Brown said...

I'm with you, Dan. No matter where a person lives or what the legislature votes, everybody should start the day with the sun pouring through a bedroom window just as they are waking up. Not through an office window when they've already been at work for two hours. Sun, we need more sun!

Mike Clawson said...

Hey Dan,

I will be at the HRC conference. See you there! :)


dan said...

I think it should be an inalienable right: I don't get outta bed unless there is sun! :)

See ya next week!