Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Dinner and a movie

For Jane's birthday last night we went to Triangle Park. Neither of us had been there before. It was nice, but not exactly what I expected. I thought it was supposed to be a real ritzy place. It was pretty much like all the other Don Hall's restaraunts -- old (including the people eating there). And if I'm gonna pay $17 for a steak, I don't think I should have to use A-1.

Afterward we took in the movie 'Amazing Grace' at the Rave. It was us and a threesome. In one of the big theaters. That was weird. But... we got the prime seats: back row, right under the projector. Legroom out the wazoo. The movie was good. I don't know how it would be for someone who had no interest (I'm not a good movie critic), but I thought it was well done. Perhaps the most moving scene is at the end... when the old guy takes off his wig and compares William and Napolean.

We topped the evening off with cheesecake at Barnes and Noble. I even had some: carmal latte. It was even good, and I'm not a big fan of cheesecake.

Today is lacking sunshine in a big way. Old snow is ugly. I had a major breakthrough at the office yesterday though... I actually cleared off my mail pile! I'm not kidding, it was stacked 14" high, and I got rid of it all. Probably 97.2% went in the garbage - which is what happens if you leave things long enough that they're out-dated.

Sunshine, on my shoulders, (would) make me happy....


JAH said...

Thanks again for the wonderful birthday day and evening. I am truly blessed in a multitude of ways. You're the best...

MR said...

I found this message by accident after I Googled the word "threesome"

dan said...

So you were trying to figure out what to call three guys playing golf together? Anywayyyyyyy, for those of us who's minds are NOT in the gutter... in the theater it was 'us' - a couple; and THREE OTHER PEOPLE WHO WERE TOGETHER. Sorry to interrupt your browsing. :)

MR said...

Oooooh... well now I've got to go back and read the message again, this changes EVERYthing...

Whisky Prajer said...

I think the "A-1" standard is probably a good one to live by: if you see a bottle on the tables, you're better off going someplace else.

dan said...

And that's why we have no A-1 in our refrigerator. (Well, that, and the fact that we rarely eat red meat. But still... good point!)