Monday, February 26, 2007

'Just Dreaming' or 'Miracles I'd Like To See'

Disclaimer: I know some people who read here attend my church, and some of you are friends who don't. I hope you all understand I'm not thinking of anyone in particular with this post (just thinking out loud). So I hope no one is offended by anything here.

I've recently mentioned some "miracles" that have been occupying my mind lately. Things I would like to see happen that I don't see there is any way they could happen without a miracle from God. If someone were to ask me, "If you could have anything you wanted for your church, what would it be?" This is what I would say (at the moment):
  • A worship leader. Ideally it would be a guy, who played guitar or piano - though it's not necessary as long as he finds someone who does. They would need to be humble, and really love people, but be able to not give a crap when people insult them. Someone really in touch with the Holy Spirit, but who is naturally gifted in music and able to lead and direct others.
  • A kick-ass, killer band. Not necessarily loud - though they would need to be sometimes. I'm thinking like David Gilmour-type stuff. I really miss having a band, and as much as I like being in one, I think it would be better for everyone concerned if I didn't have to be. I want to be able to concentrate more on studying, praying, preaching, and hanging with people. I don't really care if the band members are Christians or not. I want them to be MUSICIANS first and foremost. And not just to play along with the singing. I would like them playing before the Sunday worship, during, throughout the prayer time and message, and after. Again, sometimes LOUDER THAN LOUD but sometimes as soft as a tear.
  • A computer/tech. person. I'm not real good in this area as it is, but I just can't keep up anymore. I wish there was someone who knew this stuff well and could work unsupervised. We need someone to take care of the sound, as well as lighting, computer stuff and everything that goes along with that. This could be one person, or a whole team of people. One would be nice to start with. It's hard just finding an ACTIVE sound guy who understands they need to do more than just turn the board on. Again, I don't care if they're a Christian or not.
  • Different worship space. Let me just say this right up front... I HATE PEWS!!!!!!!!! I think they were invented by the devil and the only thing they're good for is firewood. I would like a highly flexible space, able to be used 24/7. I'm not just talking about Sunday mornings. But even on Sunday mornings, we need to be able to move about, change things, rearrange. And the pews are such a hindrance to any type of community feel. They are cold and impersonal - just what you DON'T want in a church setting. Go figure.
  • Lots of sound and lighting equipment. I want to be able to have major lighting flexibility, with the ability to up-light, soft-light, change colors, brightness, etc. on the fly. We also need much more of a bass sound. At the very least I would like two big honking subwoofers -- NOW. Surround sound would be cool. And a whole bunch more stuff that I don't even understand.
  • Some fully committed people. Even just a few people... who would be willing to put the mission God has for our church above everything else. Not just people who say they're committed, but people who are willing to do whatever it takes. Nothing will happen unless these people are found.
  • A community-life person. (some might say "small groups" person) Someone who is either well-trained, or willing to get trained. This might need to be a part-time job, I don't know. It would need to be an aggressive go-getter type person. But someone who was definitely devout in their faith. I believe building community, or community life, is THE MOST VITAL aspect of the church.
  • Cheerleaders. They don't even have to be good lookin', and they certainly don't need outfits. One thing I really need, personally, are some people willing to keep the joy no matter how grumpy I get. I am not a cheerleader, and I just can't fake it well. Any church I pastor doesn't need more people like me, it needs people the opposite of me. We need some "GO TEAM!" people to compensate for me.
  • I wish I had a way to reach the late-teen/early-twenties crowd. We seem to have quite a few of them and I am pretty disconnected from this group. I wish I could quit spending so much time worrying about cheerleading and doing stuff for the "senior saints" and spend more time working with this age group.
  • Passionate teachers. People willing to learn and grow on their own, who can then give time and energy to others. People who's lives have been turned UPSIDE DOWN by Jesus and they are forever grateful. People who can share their passion with others - of all ages.
  • Most of all... I need a passionate heart. Honestly, I lack the energy and desire needed for any of the above to work. I need to get over this funk I'm in. I need a more intimate relationship with God. I need a deeper faith. I need more trust in Him. I could use your prayers.
Um, I could certainly go on, but this list is getting pretty long already. That's part of it.



Anonymous said...

Well pal, good luck with getting those things. I guess I, as a pastor myself, don't want ANY of them. I'ld be happy with some sticks to smack together and Kum Ba Ya long as the Spirit of God comes while we are worshipping. Are you Unsatisfied, or Dissatisfied? Cause, you SOUND dissatisfied in this blog. I love ya pal, but WOW!

alexjonathan said...

As a member of the late-teen/early twenties crowd, I'm an expert on both "my group" and unsatisfied/dissatisfied.

Dealing with the unsatisfied/dissatisfied thing, I think the only real potential for a problem there is if you try to make a list of things you like and can't come up with anything. The list of things that need changing can be miles long (all you're doing is recognizing that there's room for improvement, and that you know where that is) but when you don't have a list of things you wouldn't change, that's when things can get a little scary.

As far as attracting "my group," your crying stones concept seems like it would be ideal for that. So many of us are operating outside of the traditional "church" thing, that to have a place that kind of throws the old rules out the window has the potential to be amazing.

MR said...

Frank managed to point out how fantastic he is while being condescending at the same time. Now THAT'S the church I left.

Geez, it's gettin' so you can't even wish out loud or admit your human.

dan said...

I can understand why you'd think I am dissatisfied, but really it's more just a matter of "If I could have ANYTHING, these things would be nice." And perhaps it's my cynical nature of seeing them as unattainable that is my biggest problem. Because the truth is, none of them are unattainable. We often don't get because we just plain don't ask. And it's not that these things would make 'the church' without God's Spirit, but I think they are important for a church that I pastor in helping it carry out God's mission of helping people grow in their relationship with Jesus. Understand?

So are you saying that your church is really just how you want it to be?

I do appreciate your input.

dan said...

Thanks for chiming in. Great insight about making a list of things I "wouldn't" change. I will get to work on that. Yes, there ARE some things about fairview that I WOULDN'T change.

dan said...

Thanks for calling Frank "Frank." It's really not his fault though... he's an easterner! :) And he's a good friend who I know can take it just like he dishes it out. :)

Mike Clawson said...

A bunch of those things are on my wish list too - though I think I'd be happy with any band at all right now. :)

Not holding my breath though.

dan said...

When I first came to this church (7 1/2 years ago) I put a thing in the bulletin similar to this: "Things I'm Looking For". At the time we didn't have a band. And in just a couple weeks someone bought the church a drumset, agreed to play drums, my son picked up the bass, and we were on our way. So... you just never know. I've actually never had trouble finding drummers. Finding good ones is a different story though. :)