The first song I remember learning when starting to play the guitar was either Neil Young's "Helpless" or Bob Dylan's "Mr. Tambourine Man." One or the other or maybe both around the same time. Helpless might be a good one. It would be easy. I actually learned it and "Knockin On Heaven's Door" (by Dylan) at the same time, so I guess that adds to the confusion.
Perhaps, though, "Amazing Grace" would be a good one to teach the world to sing. As I've stated before, our church has ended our Sunday gatherings with that song for well over a year now. I don't know why but I am just scared to stop singing it. Isn't that weird? We need grace. We need to learn to extend it more too.
However, I think my all-time favorite song just might be another christian classic -- "It Is Well With My Soul." THAT is what I would teach the world to sing. The coolest of songs, with a noble, tear-jerking story behind it. Yep. (click on the song title for the words and the story). It is well with my soul.
So what about you... if you could teach the world to sing one song, what would it be?
I remember way back when someone teaching me to play those songs on the guitar, too. :)
Anyway, in answer to your question. Neil Young's song "I Am A Child" is one of my favorite songs. I am not sure if that is the correct title, but I believe that is how the chorus starts. However, if we could all learn to sing "It Is Well With My Soul" and then be able to sing it as truth - now that would be something worth hearing over and over again.
Clearly you forgot the *chorus*, you geezer: "It's the real thing (second chorus: 'Coca Colaaaah')...."
It Is Well is certainly good, hearty stock, but in the Mennonite world it is *the* standard choice at funerals. I'm going to go out on a limb and propose we teach, if not the world, then at least every one of the evangelical mega-churches to sing my all-time favourite rock anthem, "Highway To Hell". First of all, it behooves us to recognize that it is only within our current time and place and geography that we as believers can be considered anything but heretics doomed to the stormiest fires of Hell. Secondly, I do believe the teeth would be completely stripped from this song if just one enormous church choir were to sing it in public. I'd lose something in the process, but it's a sacrifice I would willingly make.
That's not fair. You can't suggest MY favorite song because then what am I supposed to say? "It Is Well With My Soul" is my all time favorite song. No other song brings out emotion in me like that one. And no other song is more difficult to sing than that one. To say the words out loud can be tough at times when you don't feel like it is well with your soul.
I just listened to The Band's version of Helpless. Man, I love that song too. Whenever someone mentions it, I crave to hear it.
Bob Marley's "Three Little Birds" (don't you worry, about a thing, cause every little thing is gonna be alright) woudl be cool to hear the whole world sing.
"Tiny Dancer" would be cool. I love the scene in Almost Famous when all the people on the bus start singing it. Just a feel good song.
"Worlds Apart" by Jars of Clay or "If I Stand" by Rich Mullins...again, both great.
I could go on forever but I will stop. I like this post :)
Dang it!
And "Caravan" by Van Morrison.
Duh, how could i forget that one?
The la la la la's would be so awesome!
Alright, I got two. "The Weight" by the Band... because we could break up into groups and take verses, then all come back in on the chorus.
And, it's more obscure... but "God Bless Our Dead Marines." If you know it, it's pretty clear why I think it would work... because it would be the most amazing thing ever. If you haven't heard it... I can't explain it.
I'd rewrite some of the lyrics obviously but there is a lot of good stuff in Lennon's Imagine.
Thanks for playing, everybody (and YOU can still play along if you'd like).
Let's see... "Highway to Hell" and "God Bless Our Dead Marines" - while both fine songs in their own right (and in my mind) - might be a bit of a stretch to get the masses to sing them.
I actually thought about "imagine." I can't place "Tiny Dancer". "If I Stand" would be okay. "Caravan" would be good for all the Carrie's and Kara's out there.
"World's Apart" and "I Am A Child" are excellent songs (again, IMHO), but I'm not sure how easy they would be to teach the WHOLE world to sing them.
However, "Three Little Birds" and "The Weight".... THOSE just might be winners. Or at least second place to "It Is Well." :)
So far...
I just glanced down and saw my 'Best of Arlo Guthrie'... and it's hard to not suggest "Alice's Restaurant Massacree". Taking a nod from Alex - we could have different countries each sing a different verse, or something. Classic.
And how could we not sing "The Motorcycle Song." Almost everyday I have to say, "I don't... want a pickle. Just want to ride on my motor...cy...cle.".
Can't place Tiny Dancer?
The song, in the context your daughter described. Which was a good movie, btw.
Ohhhhhhhhhh. Yesssssssssss. Thanks Mike. I shoulda known my favorite daughter would pick that song, and from that scene, from that movie. Yeah... that could be it.
And... is that the guy from "My Name Is Earl"?
It is indeed--Jason Lee. He's part of the Kevin Smith, Matt Damon, Ben Affleck group. Before "Earl" his most successful role was probably as the voice of "Syndrome" in "The Incredibles." It was he who uttered the phrase that would entitle my blog: "Oh man! You got me MONOLOGUING!" So you see, it's all about me. Take THAT Kevin Bacon!
Although the song isn't really well known, "Spring" by The Lions would be really great at the end when they sing "God is making everything new" over and over...I'm not sure if I want that to be my official selection though
If you have cd's by The Lions I would like to hear them sometime. They were awesome.
So. I've been pondering this one. Go with the serious music that conveys the gospel or go with some crazy thing that makes everyone happy who ever hears it (not that the gospel may not have that effect on people).
In the final analysis ... gotta go with David Crowder Band's live version of Undignified because if everyone would just chill a bit the whole world might be a better place ...
Thanks for chiming in. Sadly enough I have to admit I have never heard the David Crowder Band (I kinda need a dose of 'getting current') - even though I easily recognize DC's face - but I do love the song "Undignified." Good choice.
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