Friday, March 09, 2007

Turn Your Clock Ahead

Don't forget to turn your clocks AHEAD one hour tomorrow (Saturday) night. At least in the United States, we begin Daylight Saving Time - officially at 2 am Sunday. I believe this is 3 weeks earlier than usual. So... if you go to bed at 11 pm, just set your clock for midnight when you go to bed. Then all will be normal in the morning (except to those who forgot to set their clocks ahead).

And let me just take a moment to speak to all of the people from INDIANA: CALL OR WRITE YOUR REPRESENTATIVE AND TELL THEM WE SHOULD SWITCH THE ENTIRE STATE TO CENTRAL TIME. I am all for Daylight Saving Time, as long as we're in the Central time zone. It's the best of both worlds. It gives us more daylight at night during DST, but we also won't have to start our day in darkness the rest of the year. I personally believe it is because we are the western-most Eastern Time Zone state that leads to Hoosiers being the grumpiest people I know. Some reasons it would benefit us:
  • We would be happier and more rested.
  • The sun could wake us up - like I believe it should - rather than waking up in the darkness of night.
  • Our children wouldn't have to wait for the bus in the dark.
  • It would align us time-wise with the largest metropolitan area closest to us (Chicago). God forbid we would want to do something that makes good business sense.
  • Letterman, Leno, and Monday Night Football wouldn't be on so stinking late!
I actually believe this was the governor's intention: to start observing DST (like the rest of the country), but to switch the entire state to the Central Time Zone. Regardless of how you feel about the governor, this is a good idea (IMHO). So... you have two assignments this weekend: (1) set your clock an hour ahead Saturday night; and (2) call or write your state representative/congressman/senator/governor and whoever else can help, and tell them we want to switch the entire state to the Central Time Zone. Thanks. :)

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