Later we went to c2g for open mic night. It was ... interesting. Some good, some okay, some... yeah. There were performers of all ages; there was music; poetry; readings; young and old; solo and groups. One of the last acts was "Mom, Pop-n-Fresh." Which sounds like, and I think may be, the band of a friend of a friend. They didn't have their drummer though (who is the friend of a friend). Anyway... I don't know that I would ever perform at one of these. I thought I might get a "feel" one way or the other... and I guess the feel was... I should just fly a kite.
I realized yesterday that I put way more effort into Easter week than Christmas. I spend a great amount of time planning and preparing for Maundy Thursday - almost always transforming the sanctuary and basement, and a couple of classrooms. Fortunately our Good Friday service is usually somewhere else, but we've got to re-transform for the easter egg hunt on Saturday, and then set up for the breakfast Easter Sunday morning, and put decorations back in the sanctuary. Easter is definately busier than Christmas. So I should probably take a break and fly a kite sometime this week.
I am not having much luck finding a performer for our June cookout/concert. But I do have 1 confirmation for our Jammin' July lineup. I don't like planning these type of things... all the uncertainty of scheduling; waiting on people to return calls or emails; not knowing; etc., etc. Where is that kite anyway...
Today I need to get a haircut. I don't know why I have always hated haircuts. It's similar to going to the dentist or doctor for me. I also need to mow. Like, I really needed something to take up another 4 hours of my time this week. Do I have a kite? I should get one. Oh wait... I did.
I feel like flyin' a kite. Maybe I will... someday.
Yep, MOM n' "Pop n' Fresh" is practicing the motto that the family that plays together stays together, so "Mom" has her autoharp and the format is different. You add that drummer and move to some hole-in-the-wall bar for the "Pop n' Fresh" format.
Seems I remember some "Yoko Ono" sorta comment too. :)
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