Sunday, May 06, 2007

Praying in my sleep

Well, not really praying "in" my sleep. More like praying instead of sleeping. Sirens were blaring at 2 am and I was basically awake anyway. I still don't know what was going on 3 houses down, but I felt the urge to pray nonetheless. So I prayed that the person/people would find God in their midst. Not necessarily that they would be spared anything, but that they would be given strength, be given a sense of His presence, and that they would find the peace that only He can provide. I also prayed for each of my children.

I remember when I used to be moved to pray for others quite often. When the kids were young we saw the ambulance at our neighbors and we all gathered together to pray. Shoot, when Magic Johnson found out he had aids we prayed for him at the dinner table. I would pray for people as I passed them on the street, or stood next to them in line at the store; as we sat in worship services; in our living room; wherever.

Forgive me, Lord, for forgetting. For neglecting to seek You, and You first. Tune my heart, Lord, to Your will and Your ways; mold and make my heart to be moved by those things which touch Your heart. Envelope me in Your breath... to be known... to know... to Be.

1 comment:

MR said...

that looks like the Red Sox kid. He's probably praying for forgiveness, patience and a world championship. And it seems his prayers were answered.