Thursday, May 10, 2007

They like Jesus: sum-up

I finished Dan Kimball's "They Like Jesus But Not The Church" the other day, and it was good. It's funny, because he actually addressed my initial concerns several times throughout the book. In fact, on p. 259 he uses the question, "I don't find people like this in my community. Isn't your opinion skewed because you live in California and interviewed people there?" He answers this well - and, yes, the book applies to anywhere, not just California. I guess I should learn to read before I speak. What's new.

So I would encourage this book for church leaders. But I'm more looking forward to the follow-up "I Like Jesus But Not The Church." He says of this book,
Don't let the title mislead you. I Like Jesus but Not the Church is a very pro-church book, giving an apologetic for the church and encouraging people who like Jesus to understand why the local church is a necessary part of the life of anyone who desires to follow Jesus. The church may make mistakes, but Jesus loves the church, and it's possible to be part of the church without being a part of "organized religion."
The new book is different because it is for:
  • those in the church who are looking for ways to answer the criticisms and negative perceptions of the church and Christianity.
  • those outside the church who are struggling with church and Christianity.
Cool. Can't wait. Thanks, Dan. All that.

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