I caught sight of this on
Milton's blog. Good stuff from RB - I need to remember.
The true orthodox faith is deeply mysterious, and every question that's answered leads to a new set of questions. A lot of preaching tries to answer everything. At the end of the sermon, people walk out with no more questions. But if it's truly proclamation of truth rooted in God --
The rabbis believe that the text is like a gem: the more you turn it the more the light refracts. I heard a guy one time say, "Oh yeah, I got a sermon on that verse. I got it pretty much nailed." What? Are you out of your mind? You have that nailed? I just endlessly turn it.
I did a six-month series on John 3:16. I did a sermon on the word that. You have to ask questions. Some Christian traditions think a text has a meaning and if you apply the right method, then you can pull out the correct meaning. That's the ultimate in arrogance. If it's a living Word, then turn the gem.
- Rob Bell
(Via PreachingNow)