Friday, July 27, 2007

Carrie's new place

Well, the daughter is moved. The four of us unloaded her stuff in only half an hour. All went well (other than a brief discombobulation with the couch). Worst part of the day was closing the door and walking down the stairs to leave. Here are my two favorite women in all the world lounging afterwards in the spacious nothing-on-the-walls-yet living room. Well done, Carrie Jade!


MR said...

Ha, traditionally the fee for helping someone move (ripping the skin off your knuckles and can't lift your arms the next day) is pizza and beer. Recent college graduates break out the popcorn.

Looks like there's ONE thing on the wall. The landlords must like girl tenants by the looks of that border.

I distinctly remember my first night in my own place, sitting on the floor, eating pizza, leaning back against my new couch and watching TV (also on the floor). Seems like it was more than 12 years ago, but it wasn't.

Anonymous said...

Don't be jealous of my hot border. HAHA!! You should see the wall paper in the kitchen...eek.

I think it's safe to say, however, that my grandmother is the wall paper-ing Queen. Hopefully she'll be making a trip out to see my new place soon...

The popcorn was a test to make sure my sweet microwave worked. At this point in my life (poor)...i will let no food go wasted in my apartment!