...when you play hardcore music. Son Isaac meets his guitar up close and personal at
HMA's first show. I'm told it looks worse than it was and all is now well. I think a video is posted of their first gig, but I'm not sure if it was really a show or just an "open practice." Whatever. "Watch out for that long thing that sticks out the end of yer fiddle, boy." :)
What I find interesting here is that the camera arrived before the band-aid.
"wait! wait! I gotta get a picture of this first..."
mr--OF COURSE the camera arrived first...he's a blogger!
...but YIKES! Music is hazardous to your health now?
Haha, actually that's exactly what happened. There happened to be a nurse at the "show" and right before he was about to clean it I realized I needed a picture, so I ran and got one. I don't know how I'm going to top this next time...
Music has ALWAYS been hazardous to your health! Pete Townshend played until he bled (usually from his fingertips, but still), Angus Young broke his foot jumping from an amp stack, and Jason Ringenberg knocked out his two front teeth with a mic ... Looks to me like the lad is just gettin' started!
Huh, I didn't know that about Jason. But it certainly doesn't surprise me. I bet there's not just a few rockers who have lost front teeth to microphones. And after seeing Jason, that's why I plan to have EXTRA mic stands around for his show. I've seen him do quite a number on them.
I always wondered why artists got so close to the bloomin' mic...half the time they look like they're eating it!
I can think of better ways to earn battle wounds ;).
Aaaaactually.... for me, sometimes I get close to the mic so I know where I'm at. Like, if I close my eyes or somethin. But that's just me. And i've never lost any teeth. :)
So what would some of these "better ways" to earn battle wounds be???
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