Lemme tell you this... bagels don't taste as good with blood mixed in. I think I will survive though.
So... what got me started on this "seeing" post, you ask? The other day I was reading a blogger lamenting that his readership was way down. Yeah, sure Frank, he was only getting between 300-500 hits a day. Ha! That's like a millionaire complaining about getting low on funds. Anyway, it got me to thinking about you - my readers. I assume most people know that the term "in the privacy of your own home" is just a cliche when it comes to internet viewing, right? I mean, I can tell who looks at my blog, or at least where you're from; along with a whole host of other information. Granted, I try not to look too much - because - you know, it can lead to things like vanity, or frustration, or some other type of inner security issue. But just imagine what the pornographers can find out about people with their stat counters! You ain't alone even if you think you are.
Just in case you're wondering about my stats... there have only been a few times when I topped the 200 mark in a day. Very rare. Usually I average around 50-80 hits a day - which is interesting - because that's about the average Sunday attendance for my church too. What is FUNNY though, is that the week I wasn't blogging; when I hid everything for a few days; changed the title; stuff like that... I had more page loads when I WASN'T posting anything than I have now that I AM posting again! Weird. Maybe people would rather see me NOT post than read what I DO write (?).
I guess it is kind of sad when I lose a reader. Kind of like when somebody leaves church. You always wonder if it was something you said or did, or didn't say or do. But sometimes there's just not much you can do. People come and go.
And I don't know what's up with the lack of comments lately. Geez, what... has there only been 1 from someone other than meself since June? I know, I know... there's not much to comment on, is there? Yeah, and I suppose some of you might even be wondering if I've had a faith crisis or something, 'cause I don't seem to write too much about God and/or church anymore. It's possible. But I've kinda just been in a different frame of mind lately. Sometimes people freak out if preachers don't constantly talk about God and Jesus and sin. I freak out sometimes when I don't. But I really think it's okay. Only gypsies are made in a day sorta thing. It's a long haul... And, I suppose it's no coincidence that I've only preached 1 sermon since May. That might not mean much to you, but it has meant A LOT to me.
Hey, this has triggered a thought which has nothing to do with this. I gotta go do somethin else. Besides, my ice is melted. Happy fourth! Peace and all that.
Ooops, I was going to call last night but forgot. I saw that the BH was closed and figured everyone, including you and I, would be taking the day off. I've actually taken most of the week off so far and I can't remember when I've been this tired. Hope Jane is doing better.
I like to read about what's going on with you, whether it has anything to do with God or not, or even whether it has ANY socially redeeming value or not. Though we haven't met, I consider you an internet buddy and am just interested, that's all. I've wondered what was going on with you, but have tried to just give you space and have waited for you to let us know if there was something we needed to know.
So, my brother, just keep hanging and just keep writing. God is good all the time.
I'm just commenting because you made me feel guilty.
...my square of the guilt quilt isn't finished yet, either. It's a guy sleeping in on Sunday morning, but I can't get the blasted Z's right.
By the way, my eighth grade English teacher just dug her grave, pulled the dirt down on top of herself, and then turned over in it--this due to your tremendous run-on sentence that comprises the first paragraph here. I saw her shoot a kid for less than that.
Thanks for the comments, gentlemen. I didn't mean to make anyone feel guilty, I was just sayin'. Anyway...
Yeah, I was going to call you all day too. No big deal.
Right back at ya, pal. I appreciate your blog too.
Oh, you're starting to sound like the people in my church. :) And the run-on sentence is borrowed from son Isaac's style of writin'. Sometimes you just get on a roll, ya know.
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