Monday, August 06, 2007

Qualifier, disclaimer, warning...

...and just so you know:

I've been meaning to write this for some time now but for whatever reason keep forgetting or putting it off. Anyway, I do hope everyone realizes that this blog is not the totality of my life. It's just a small part. Believe it or not, I don't tell you EVERYTHING. So please be wary of coming to any conclusions about me based on this. I am not a professional here.

I mean... I meeeeeeeeeannnnn (I like how Arlo Guthrie says that in that one song)... you have to read here with a certain sense of sarcastic indifference sometimes. Occasionally I drown in my own dry humor, and just because I may seem to be wallowing in a puddle of pity - it may just be my Rodney Dangerfield side trying to make a point that's really not trying to stick to anything.

Of course, I say all that, and my next ten posts might be entirely serious. Yes, sometimes I am serious, and more times than I wish I get down. But there seem to have been a few occasions over the past many months where, if you're reading here without the "danno lense," I just might come across in a way that I'm not meaning to. If you feel that has happened to you, please accept my apologies. Perhaps that, more than anything, is the reason for the "dangerous" in the title of this blog. There is personal stuff, but much of it is nothing but random fragments of thought spilling out into the universe. Not always pretty. Not always completely telling the story. Rarely pastoral. Just little bits of me.

I'm sure this knowledge will bless your life today. :)

peace in; peace out.


Tammie said...

So. Unrelated, as such, to your post, but look what greeted me in the Winebrenner newsletter this week ... (scroll down in pdf) ... I think I've heard that name before ...

dan said...

Hey... thanks, Tammie!!!

The information is even mostly correct - other than she is the daughter of a '99 graduate, and she's lived in Fort Wayne for 8 years. But who's counting. :)

I actually took this pic of her last summer when she finished her internship at WTS.

The link to the newsletter is HERE. Carrie is on p.2.

Thanks again!

MR said...

DAMNIT I wish they'd quit moving that BOOK CART! Someone should take the wheels off of it so we can find the dern-bern thing without scouring the campus!

Oh, and nice write up on Carrie--another shining moment.

MR said...

Ha! I love page 5 of that Newsletter, with the template instructions on how to write a newsletter. (place image here) (write something interesting here). Also--did you see their price on Microsoft products? DANG!

dan said...

Ha! Too bad they don't sell iphones, right MR? :)

Anonymous said...

Hey, it's me!!

And my bad...for some reason i thought you were a 98 graduate. Probably because I was in 8th grade. Oh well, expect that to be printed incorrectly in Linda Drapers thing too. :)

dan said...

Carrie Jade,
No problem. It was the 98/99 class. Not a big deal to me. :)

Hope you had a nice visit with the ladies.

MR said...

...and most importantly, got rid of that GROSS border!

Anyone remember those old text adventure games?

You're in a sparsely decorated room, an appallingly flowery border travels its circumference.
You Have: a couch, a cell phone,a couple of chairs, a bookshelf, a microwave, some popcorn and a diploma.
You can't reach the border.
I don't see any ladder here.
You stand on the couch, but still can't reach the appalling border.

MR said...


iPhones are the devil's coasters. :D

Anonymous said...

the border remains. sick. but i have new curtains (that grandma and mom put up), picture frames (that mom hung), a van gough reprint (that mom hung), and a computer desk (that mom and grandma moved) to distract me from the disgusting border. What did I do, you might ask, well I assembled a fan. Call me a genius!

i'll send photos soon.