Friday, September 07, 2007

I like Rick

I don't know or know much about Marko, but I appreciated this post from him today "Why I Choose To Think Highly of Rick Warren." I haven't really been keeping up on RW much lately, but he probably had as much influence over me during my seminary years and the first few years of being a pastor as anyone else did. I read his books, listened to his tapes, and appreciated all the tools he made available for people like me. Then, when the emerging church stuff started coming on strong, it seemed the popular thing to do was complain about and criticize everything he did. I don't think I ever jumped on that bandwagon... but I did kind of back away. I know not everyone agrees with him, and not everyone is going to connect with people in the same way, but I actually liked the Purpose Driven stuff. Not that's it's the "bible," but it made sense to me. So, just for the record... I like Rick Warren and appreciate all he's done for me and for the kingdom. I think I like Marko too - and appreciate his heart in posts like the one linked to.

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