Saturday, September 29, 2007

Land of giants

Jane and I made a brief trip back to the homeland yesterday. It didn't take long to notice a second wind farm has been erected where we're from in north central Illinois. I believe there are about 70 of these windmills (or turbines) stretching across the countryside there. They stand 230 feet tall, and a single blade is a third of the length of a football field. If you click on the bottom pic you can see a pickup truck parked under the turbine in the foreground. These things are huge, and it just looks weird to see them marching out along the horizon. Makes me feel like Don Quixote. Jane thinks they're creepy. But they supply power for over 40,000 homes.


Anonymous said...

I think they're magnificent - a real step toward stewardship rather than exploitation. They also have a weird beauty all their own...

There're moves afoot to get turbines outside my town (Bungendore) - perfect place, but the NIMBYs are probably going to win the day. Buggrit. So much for rural=green, eh.

dan said...

Hi Kel,
Yeah, I think they're kind of *interesting* looking. I haven't really heard if there are many complaints about them. I think they've messed with some people's satellite dishes. Hard to argue with wind energy though - I would think.

MR said...

Maybe they could forget the windmills and harness the hot air coming from the NIMBYs. They could install collectors in the town hall and hold lots of meetings telling them there's nothing they can do to stop it, serve them cold coffee and granola. I'll bet the power harnessed there would serve more like 400,000 homes.