Thursday, October 04, 2007

Deeper connections

Last night we started our Wednesday Night B.S. up again. To most people the "B.S." stands for Bible Study, but... you know, it's not ALL about that. At any rate, we are using a dvd series called "Deeper Connections: Connecting Biblical Truths to Everyday Life." There are three different ones, and we're using the one on the "prayers of Jesus."

It's actually pretty good stuff. Personally, I like videos - as long as they're from a reputable place and they use good speakers. These allowed just enough time for some good discussion. I usually wish there were more people at these things, but it's probably actually better with a smaller group. More opportunity for questions and discussion. There were 8 others last night. It lasted an hour and a half.

Small groups are something I really need to make more of a priority. I always forget how positively they impact me when I haven't been involved in one for awhile. I still believe spiritual growth happens best in small groups of people. They truly are a place for... "deeper connections."

Today I am suffering from a stinkin' burned lip though. I headed to the hospital this morning to be with someone going in for a heart cath and took a sip of coffee and burned a big blister right dead center on my upper lip. How in the heck does that happen? Man, it hurt. Probably not as much as a heart procedure, but still...

Rock on. IT IS THURSDAY!!! I love Thursdays, because that means tomorrow is FRIDAY!


Anonymous said...

Do you ever think that the anticipation of friday that occurs on thursdays makes thursdays better than fridays themselves?

i like thursdays too.

satan must have been hiding in the midwest's coffee this morning. mine jumped out of my hands and all over the floor of my car. the whole stinkin entire probably-too-big cup. smelly...

dan said...

Bummer about your coffee spill.

I think I always used to enjoy the 'day before' better, but anymore I enjoy the 'day off' pretty well too. I understand what you mean though.

YOu didn't happen to get a book in the mail yet, did you? We had one sent to your apt. from Amazon. Should have been there this week.