Friday, October 26, 2007

Trot trot to boston...

As I sit sleepy-eyed in the cornfields of Indiana, son Isaac is in Boston today for the Apartheid Paradigm in Palestine-Israel: Issues of Justice and Equality conference. I don't really know what it's all about, but I know Desmond Tutu is speaking, and they're expecting a little tension and possible conflict. I'm hoping that it's a fruitful time, but also praying for everyone's safety. There's an article in the Boston Globe about it HERE.

Peace is something everyone needs. Whether it's in the hearts of hoosiers, or on a grander scale involving countries and people-groups. Certainly there are differing opinions on the best way to bring it about, but I have never understood those who are opposed to "peace" people.

And on a totally unrelated note: apparently there are different nursery rhymes that start out "Trot, trot to Boston..." Jane always used to sing one to our kids that went:

Trot, trot to Boston
to buy a fat pig.

Home again, home again,

Jiggetyyyyyyy...... jig!

She would do it with the child perched on her foot (of the leg which was crossed over the other one), bouncing during the first three lines, then on the "jiggety" she would raise them up high........ and drop them down on the "jig." It always brought a laugh and a smile.

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