Saturday, November 03, 2007

The time is right (for a change)

  • Random clips on a beautiful fall midwest morning. I should probably take a picture through one of the two windows I can see out of right now, but there is perhaps no way to frame it without losing something vitally important.
  • Don't forget to SET YOUR CLOCK BACK AN HOUR TONIGHT! Daylight savings time is coming to an end - and none to early. I don't mind observing DST (which is still new for most hoosiers), but I didn't like extending it into November. I will enjoy getting an extra hour of sleep tonight though.
  • Last night for my birthday Jane and I had supper at Bob Evans, then went to the theater and watched American Gangster. It was pretty good - but I'm no movie critic. I like Denzel Washington and Russell Crowe.
  • Music has a power over me. Watching the previews at the theater, I don't even remember what the movie was, but they went from Hendrix's version of "All Along The Watchtower" to Don McLean's "American Pie" and my eyes just welled up. I've always been like that; and not just with these two songs. Of course, it doesn't hurt to have movie-theater-sound; or that I was sitting with the woman of my dreams; but still...
  • Each of my kids wrote a blog post this week that stopped me in my tracks. I already linked to Carrie's "Peace" post, and this morning I ran across son Isaac's post "Love Minus Zero/No Limit." Isaac is a good writer, albeit with a unique style that I'm not sure everyone gets. But I think this is his best yet. It reminded me of Wes King's song "Don't Say I Love You Too Soon." God is certainly good to have blessed a sap like me with such wonderful children (they get the good stuff from their mom).
  • Rather than turn the clock back tonight, I kind of wish I could just freeze time right now. If you know me, you know it's rare that I would say something like that. I'm not usually very satisfied with the way things are, and it will probably change the minute I get out of this seat, I don't know. But I am married to the love of my life, my kids both seem to be at good points in their lives, I love the fall colors, yesterday I got cards, calls, text messages, myspace messages, emails, and comments from an assortment of old friends and new wishing me a happy day.... Well, I just feel okay right now. So.... getting back to my 'real' self.... I wonder what's about to go terribly wrong. :) (just kidding).
Peace out; peace in; peace all around, friends and flobies!


Joan Baumgartner Brown said...

Happy belated brithday, my friend. I don't remember the movie either, but that music is killer and I had the same reaction. Watchtower literally transports me somewhere else. Not sure what that says about the marketing impact of that trailer - since we don't know what movie it is - but I do remember thinking that I might want to go see that with my eyes shut. Just to hear the music. It IS a beautiful day - enjoy it. (Bob Evans - now there's a romantic place for dinner!) :)

MR said...

They had a piece of toast that they were both munching on until they kissed in the middle.


dan said...

Thanks Joan!

MR - and two straws in our coffee.