Friday, February 01, 2008

My son's problem with the church

I was going to title this "What the church should be bitching about." I mean, God knows we Christians like to bitch and moan. But it's usually about stuff that doesn't really matter. Son Isaac has a powerful-nice rant Anxiety As A Result of Being A Rich White Male Christian. He says he may never smile again. It's from reading Migeul A. De La Torre's book, Doing Christian Ethics from the Margins. I have not read the book, but Isaac lays a good dose of it out in his post (Um, yes, you should read it). And please understand, this is not just some 19-year-old college kid spouting off. He's spent time with the homeless, goes weekly to the youth prison, has been to D.C. more times than I've dreamed of, and... well, other stuff too. Here's a snippet from his post:
This is my problem with the Church, and especially the "emerging" church. In their attempt to really understand what the gospels are saying they have neglected to ask the very ones Jesus came to save. Instead they write their books and make money, they go on speaking tours, they sip coffee, they surf the net. I can't even begin to say how this effects my view of the mega-church...but I think you get the idea.

I would suggest Jesus came to save all of us, but according to Isaac, "De La Torre's argument is that we must start to understand the world through the eyes of the marginalized...there is no other way to fully realize the gospel message..." Because, as De La Torre says, "Jesus can never belong to the oppressors of this world because he is one of the oppressed. The radicalness of the gospel message is that Jesus is in solidarity with the very least of humanity."

Absolutely(!).... and well done, son. Thanks for not being afraid to speak what most of us in the church REALLY need to hear (Now if I could just get him to come and preach...).

Peace out; peace in.

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