Monday, March 24, 2008

Just preaching - good friday

I gave the message at the community Good Friday service this year. Wow, it's kinda nice being able to just get up and preach... and nothing else.

It was at another church, and I was able to sit with Jane (and Drew and Carrie - not to be confused with Drew Carey) until it was time to preach. The sermon title was "It's Alright Ma (I'm Only Dying)," which is a play off the Bob Dylan song, "It's Alright Ma (I'm Only Bleeding)." My main point was kinda that sometimes we only want the Jesus of Easter Sunday, and we overlook the importance of Good Friday - all he went through on our behalf, and how that can help us when we go through rotten, stinky times ourselves. Jesus gives people dignity. That is good news. It's also a call to us to seek to give others dignity too.

Anyway, it was a small crowd - probably less than 100. I liked their sanctuary. It was wiiiiide, and not very long. That way I could see everyone good when speaking. I like to be able to see the people I'm speaking to. Our sanctuary is not good for this. I really can't even see the people that sit in the back section - which is where the majority of the people sit. And I could really dig just having to preach. It makes it so much easier to remember things, not having so much to be thinking about all at once. But every time I say that then I really get into leading worship, so... nevermind anything I say. Whatever.

Afterwards me-lady and I went to pizza hut for a supreme. I really like that hymn "Were You There." We sang that to close with. Nice.

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