Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Brueggemann on prophets

A friend sent me a piece from Walter Brueggemann's 'The Prophetic Imagination, 2nd Edition'. I wish I could post the whole thing, but here's a blurb from ~p. 45...
The prophet does not scold or reprimand. The prophet brings to public expression the dread of endings, the collapse of our self-madeness, the barriers and pecking orders that secure us at each other's expense, and the fearful practice of eating off the table of a hungry brother or sister. It is the task of the prophet to invite the king to experience what he must experience, what he most needs to experience and most fears to experience, namely, that the end of the royal fantasy is very near. The end of the royal fantasy will permit a glimpse of the true king who is no fantasy, but we cannot see the real king until the fantasy is shown to be a fragile and perishing deception. Precisely in the year of the death of the so-called king does the prophet and the prophet's company see the real king lifted up (Isa 6:1).

I believe the proper idiom for the prophet in cutting through the royal numbness and denial is the language of grief, the rhetoric that engages the community in mourning for a funeral they do not want to admit. It is indeed their own funeral.

Hmm. For those of us with a prophetic slant this, well... yeah. Note to self: I put the 2-p. text of this on the pile of papers by the cheese and crackers on the east wall.

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