Wednesday, January 13, 2010

God's littlest angels

I suppose most everyone knows of the 7.0 earthquake that hit Haiti yesterday (and the 28 or so aftershocks). There are a few people I know who live or work there, are visiting, or just returned from there. One friend from our hometown just returned with his bride (they came to the States to get married) and they arrived back in Haiti an hour and a half before the initial earthquake. They are ok, but it's just a tragic event...

I was doing fairly good with it all until I saw this interview Matt Lauer did on NBC with Dixie Bickel. She runs an orphanage called 'God's Littlest Angels' and is from a sister church of ours. This is one of the missions that our church helps support through our giving. We get a letter from her every month. God, bless her, and them.

Here is another segment featuring the gla ministry:

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