Sunday, August 29, 2010

One hundred thousand

Well how about that... today my blog received its 100,000th hit. I had kind of forgotten I was getting close. Usually I space out when milestones like this come along.

I actually remember when I hit the 10,000 mark, and I thought that was so cool. For some reason, now that I've been blogging for almost 5 years, 100,000 just doesn't really seem to matter all that much anymore. I suppose it should, but blogging just doesn't have the luster it once did. What with twitter and facebook and people using their phones more for internet; plus there just doesn't seem to be the sense of 'community' in blogland like there was a few years ago. At any rate, I have made some good friends through this blog (and probably lost a few too), and it continues to be a source of therapy for me. I doubt that this will ever be one of those blogs that's taken very seriously (I'm not taken very seriously in real life either), and I'll probably never have a big following, but it is what it is. I keep saying that someday I want to use my blog for more serious writing. I was just talking with the boy the other day about my dream of being a writer - just writing articles more than anything - but that I lack the know-how and basics of English and stuff. Maybe I need to take some writing classes or something. Or... maybe not. I dunno. It gives me something to do everyday, and that's about as much of a purpose as I have.

I suppose there is a way I could find out which post of mine has had the most hits, and all sorts of others things, but I don't want to start into that stuff. It's just recreational happenstance for me. I think there have been a few times when I've had over 200 hits in one day, but usually anymore it seems to be between 30 and 100. Sometimes I wonder who everyone is, but then again, maybe I'm better off not knowing.

Anyway, if you are a regular visitor here... thanks. You should probably be commended for not being offended. Because I'm so good at offending people I can do it without even trying. If you're new, or this is just a random visit... hello. There's not much of anything to find here. I try not to write too much anymore; and I've tried limiting the personal stuff a bit lately - not so much because I am afraid to give out personal information, but because that seems to be when I offend people the most. But, I think in October I will hit my 5-year anniversary for this particular blog, and while it's not much to brag about, it's consistent if nothing else. Day in and day out of moreless meaningless mumbo jumbo. I don't know what more to say.

I have always liked 100 Grand bars, but it's been a long time since I've had one.

Peace out, folks; and in.


Jim L said...

Happy 100k, Dan! I, for one, am glad you blog, since that's how we "met." And believe it or not, I think you're a good writer, or I wouldn't hang around. And more importantly, you've helped me sort a few things out. There are some prejudices I have that you've held up to my face and made me examine, hard. So, thanks, Padre!

I even enjoy the mowing posts. But maybe I'm just weird.

And as for offending people, I have a genetic predisposition to do that, which also means I also have the antibodies - no worries.

Keep on keepin' on.

dan said...

Thanks Jim.