I saw these questions at Navpress. They say, "You need to be intentional about growing spiritually. Have your group answer these questions - or ask them of yourself."
1. What is one area in which you'd like to experience growth?
2. If you grew in that area, what would your life look like?
3. What is a realistic goal you could set to help you grow in the next six months?
I know Tom is getting ready to do some kind of spiritual mentoring thing, where he meets with people individually to work through some questions similar to this. I have talked with Jane about doing something like this with people in the church. Perhaps setting something up where we either have people over for supper or dessert, or they have us over, and we use some kind of questions like this to guide the conversation. I don't know that we would use these specific questions... shoot... it could be anything. But, just imagine, what if groups kinda started meeting on their own, and all they did was eat and ask three questions. That could possibly be the start of something. Or not.
Something along the lines of:
1) What is your ...?
2) What if you ...?
3) How will you ...?
I would say it could definitely be the start of something.
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