Thursday, April 14, 2016

Choices for a discipling culture

One of the sessions from last week's conference was on the 3dm C.H.O.I.C.E.S.  - for how to build a discipling culture. These are things covered in a "Huddle". I thought this worth reviewing and posting here.

Necessary elements to start/build a discipling culture?
  • Character (fruit of the Spirit) & Skill (gifts of the Spirit)
  • Hand pick a few people to disciple (Jesus picked 12; majored on 3)
  • Organized & organic ways of discipling
  • Invitation & Challenge (proper balance between the two)
  • Common language/tools
  • Everyone multiplies (those being discipled will become disciplers)
  • Spirit sensitivity & dependence

It was then interesting for us to go through a Personal SWOT Analysis (above). Unfortunately, when I plug in my c.h.o.i.c.e.s they almost all end up in the Frustration or Battle areas.

So, there's that to work on...