Saturday, December 16, 2017

Workin' for a living

I've been putting in some longer days at my job at the Y. What is supposed to be a 12-hour-a-week job was actually almost 40 hours this week. I have covered for five different people recently between two locations. Last Friday I worked a 10 hour day, and yesterday I worked 11 hours straight (5 am - 4 pm). Today is my first Saturday to work (which is where I am typing this). I got a call at 9 am to see if I could come in and finish the day. I got here at 10.

I really do not mind the hours at my regular place of employment (Skyline). It is sort of a mini-Y. There is no pool or gym and kids are not allowed. It's located in a downtown storefront on the bottom floor of an office building, so not only is there a nice view of the city but it's also not as hectic as some of the other locations. It is usually very quiet and slow-paced - which is just my style. I'm able to read books, do some work on the computer or my phone, and sometimes I actually work out while I'm at "work." So, as Huey Lewis sang, "I'm taking what they're givin'..."

I'd guess much of what I like here is that it gives me the people-interaction I need to feel alive, but it doesn't require much more than a "hello," "thank you," and "have a good day." I can deal with unlimited numbers of folks on that level.

At some point these hours are going to dwindle again (I suppose). I'm sure I could pick up hours at other locations, but they are so different that it doesn't have the same appeal. I'd guess I would prefer to pick up hours with Uber over the minimum wage that some locations pay.

I am now qualified as a Wellness Coach too (in addition to being a Membership Enrollment Specialist), so I would be tempted to do that at some other branches if it became available. We will see.

For now, I'm looking out at the passing cars and pedestrians, and listening to the whir of treadmills, elipticals, and a Zumba instructor yelling out instructions over the music. It doesn't really require much more of me than sitting home in front of the TV...

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