Unlike Wesley from the classic, 'Princess Bride,' my arms do seem to work. Yet I feel not only have I been "mostly dead all day," but more like a week, or more. I've lost track of how long I haven't felt good. Basically I've felt like this for as long as I can remember now. I sleep a lot, cough up a lot of phlegm, blow a lot of gook out my nose, and occasionally eat a little food and drink coffee, tea or water. I've been sick.
I suppose it's the flu, or a sinus infection, upper respiratory thing, or some such yuckiness. Jane has had it too. She finally went to the doctor yesterday and got some antibiotics. I probably should too but it's always so hard to tell what you're "supposed" to do or not. If it lingers into this coming week I will go because that will means it's been at least two weeks. It's not a 'stuck in bed' sickness, but more like 'feeling slightly more aware than a zombie' stumbling through life.
I think I've been working the 5-9 am shift for the last two weeks (Monday-Friday). Although New Year's Day I worked noon-4 pm. I tried to find someone to work for me, but I not-so-surprisingly had no luck finding anyone to help out.
We went back to Buda to have Christmas with my parents last weekend. Jane and I left after I got off work at 9 am Friday. We made good time even though it snowed the last half of the trip. It continued to snow the entire rest of the day, so much so that the Feipel's decided to wait until Saturday morning to come (instead of after Drew got off work).
Friday must have been when I felt sickest. My nose was running like a faucet, and I wasn't much good for anything all weekend. Carrie wasn't feeling the greatest either, so hopefully we didn't infect my parents.
Anyway, Jane and I were in Buda from Friday until leaving Sunday morning. We were supposed to go out with friends for New Year's Eve back in Fort Wayne, but I was not up to it so we brought in the new year from bed. The Feipel's were in Buda from Saturday morning until returning Monday.
It was probably not the visit my mom was hoping for, but I suppose just having someone there with her for a few days to take her mind off dad helped somewhat. Dad was more confused than usual and spent a lot of time in bed - except at night when he was imagining some kind of other reality and wouldn't sleep.
Other than that... I don't really even know what to say. I honestly have little recollection of anything else since Christmas. I guess I removed Facebook from my phone. So I've spent hardly no time on social media for a week. I haven't missed it.
Okay, that's all I've got. Maybe my arms aren't going to work so well after all...
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