Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Wedding anniversary #35

Yesterday was our 35th wedding anniversary. I don't know if that's hard to believe or not. In some ways, it just sort of 'happened.' In other ways, I suppose it's nothing short of a miracle. Either which way I don't know of anyone else I would want it to happen with.

As I stated the other day, our weekend trip to South Haven was sort of an anniversary get-away. Other than that we simply went out for supper (Longhorn Steakhouse) and exchanged cards (and I had these flowers delivered to her office). Jane wrote a very nice note in her card to me. I always make my own cards on the computer (I hate the sappy sayings in store-bought cards; and I'm cheap), and I will often write a poem for m'Love. This years was:
Thirty five years of being married to you
Doesn't seem like it's been more than two.
Yet as each day passes and our love grows,
I am gladder and gladder you said, "I do."
It's true... I have never been above corny poetry.


Some random thoughts on the subject:
  • It's darn hard to find a decent steakhouse that serves a simple steak and baked potato (and doesn't cost an arm and a leg). I'm sick of all the high-end places, and fancy-schmansy foods, and "craft" this and that. So we thought Longhorn might be worth a shot. It was "ok," but we had to ask to have our steaks "lightly seasoned" and it still seemed pretty heavy to me. Argh.
  • I must confess... sometimes I get a little sick of hearing people talk about just how wonderful my wife is. I usually hear that as: I am not that wonderful. Yet, the truth is, she really is. I'm sure God knew I needed someone extra-full of grace and mercy; patience, kindness, love, self-control, and all that...
  • As for any advice on how two mixed up teenagers have lasted this long (technically she was 19 and I was 20 when we got married)... I have no idea. I suppose some things that have helped might be:
    • We never really considered the alternative. We are married. Period. We're not individuals, but a unique couple.
    • A long time ago we learned the benefit of being FOR each another, rather than competing against. When difficulties arise, we turn TO each other, rather than away from. It makes things easier.
    • We also continue to do "little things," like texting each day (always ending with "Love you"; and kissing and saying "I love you" every time we part company and every night before bed.
    • Ultimately, it probably has little to do with either of us though. Turning our lives over to Christ was the key. We have both messed up plenty, and the odds have probably never been in our favor. So it really is, "There, but for the grace of God, go I/we." Most of the time I have no idea how or why. That's just the way it is.
So... that's about all I know. Happy Anniversary, my dear. I love you!

1 comment:

Jane said...

Happy Anniversary, dh. Love you, too. :)